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Hoon Laws

r8 eater

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LOL we need to pass it through parliament...

"sh*t *beep* driving laws"

- bad merging

- well below speed limit

- over correcting

- taking too long to shift between gears

- sitting too close to the steering wheel

- chev badges on holdens :stirthepot:

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I think they need to start up a hotline were u can ring up and just dob in absolute useless drivers. the other day I had a old dude merge on me in his brand new gts I had to pull off to the wrong side and jam my breaks on. he wouldnt look at me eather. I was still in uniform so couldnt do to much. but as soon as I give it a little stick even up to the speed limit evey one stares at me like im the sh*ttest c*** on the road. I think they need to toughen up there sh*t driver laws anyone with me on that? and give us aleged hoons a rest we cop enough sh*t already.

I am with kyle on this. They should do a pre-emptive strike on f*ckhead drivers BEFORE they cause kaos

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I disagree with having cars crushed even taken off you. The punishment has to fit the crime. I don't think I should loose 60k+ of car for being a hoon if a cop says I am. (whether I was being a hoon or not)

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Lets see what society hates a the moment?

Young males

Petrol Guzzlers

and speed

I wonder if a middle aged female in Toyota Camry hybrid would get the same treatment?

But in all seriousness, there is a difference between "speeding" and being a "Hoon", the only problem is that the way things are going for a certain demographic the two will be treated exactly the same.

Edited by Benji_vs
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f*ck... If kicking the back out is a hoon I am in trouble... :buttonit:

If I drive mine in manual mode it screeches 1st/2nd from as low as 2500rpm... Mick @ PitLane made it shift nice and hard... LOL :innocent:

Spirited driving is what I call it... Not "hooning"... Hooning is skids, street racing... etc... Not spirited driving :dontknow:

sorry worm your a hoon if if you spin your wheels and get caught.

(I like that spirited driving),you just cant do that anymore,I used to be a hoon in the early seventies in my xt,

iam an older fellow now,and I know you cant stick a old head on a young body. used to do exactly the same as the young blokes do today, but times have changed .perhaps the goverment they should tell the auto company's ,not to produce such high powered cars ,outlaw the production of the f6 ,subaru, hsv, etc, etc, etc,we dont need them here in VICTORIA because our speed limit is only 110 max. I would love to see there response AUTO MAKERS are all about power , speed, excitement sex appeal.

bring in the gun laws for cars

lock your high power cars in shipping containers ,and use them only on track days

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I disagree with having cars crushed even taken off you. The punishment has to fit the crime. I don't think I should loose 60k+ of car for being a hoon if a cop says I am. (whether I was being a hoon or not)

The cop may say you're a hoon, and if they say so you probably are but ... Cops don't even take your car. It's a court order that has it taken and crushed. It's a court order that labels you a hoon. The cops don't just kick you out of the seat, take your keys and put it in a crusher. There's some very uninformed opinions floating around here just like there was at the other car forums I'm on. Cops don't say "you're done for 5kph over the limit, you're a hoon." They CAN say "you're done for 25kph over the limit, your vehicle will now be impounded under the Anti-Hoon Legislation."

Let's face it, if we don't break the LAW then we have nothing to worry about. If you want to street race on public roads in excess of the speed limit, then you're a hoon. Simple as that. Do I, as a tax payer who's life you've just risked with your sh*t driving, care that you have a $60k loan on a car? No, I don't. I personally want you off the road before you kill me, my family or my friends. If you become bankrupt because of it and have to sell your body to a big boy named Bruce, then all the better for you to learn your lesson I reckon.

Everyone here says it for mods, and lets face it, the same applies to the roads!


Simple as that really.

Edited by TonyD
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Myself im usually pretty good but I did build this car to have fun in it so I do give it a squirt from time to time but I try & be smart as far as when & where but it only takes one time at the wrong time & I. live with the same consequences as those that really deserve it

Couldnt have said it better.

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So who knows what the legal definition of a hoon is????

If I am caught doing 20 to 30kmp/h over the speed limit am I a hoon ???? My job for the last decade had me doing that over the maximum legal speed limit almost on a daily basis.

I think if they are going to take such drastic measures then they have to DEFINE exactly what it is.

For sure street racing. Doughnuts. But lets put it too the test with burnouts. Or as Worm put it..chirping into the next gear. If his car does it @2500 rpm then??? WTF. Any T on legal std tires in the wet and a painted crossing is going to spin up a bit till the traction control cuts in. How are the new GT's going to cope.

Maybe would should all drive Hyundai I20's and take up crack.

Boys will be boys no matter what. It's human nature. It's why we jump out of perfectly good airplanes. Crushing a car, sending someone broke and making them share a small room with a big bloke named Bruce is not going to end the problem.

We know driving drunk is just stupid. But every day at every hour someone is caught. Why shouldn't their cars be crushed. They are a proven danger and more so than speed.

We know smoking gives cancer, The cruelest and most derogatory way to die. Yet look at the pile of them behind the counter.

Why don't they just give us all a frontal lobotomy at birth and be done with it.

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More money for the state Govt and more of a reason for lots of people to despise the coppers who choose to do this as their job. There will never ever never be any common sense come home to roost on this as long as there is money involved. We all know the confiscation laws won't work or make any difference and they are only used to nplay up the speed kills nonsense they have jammed down everybodies throats to justify stealing money. And no I don't dislike police, but I do dislike the way they are being used to enforce this farce.

Always has been hoons and always will be. I've got 360 rwkw and haven't been booked for years. A kid can but a high power car for nicks these days and drive like a looney. I did the same in my youth except the things we could buy took 5 minutes to make it 100kph.

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