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Hoon Laws

r8 eater

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a few points that have effected my mates and work colleagues lately.

1. Work colleague was behind a slow driver coming back from Lakes Entrance (1 lane each way) speeds up to take over, does the maneuver and pulls back into his side of the road, copper pulls him over, fines him and takes his license and his car for 1 month, reason? did not slow down fast enough after over taking, was done for 140k in a 100k zone. was driving a Calais V, is 38 and has a perfect driving record.

2. Friend was recently done for excessive acceleration, going from a stop at a red light up to 80km, was fined, lost his car and license for 28 days, was in an XR6 non turbo and again late 30's with perfect driving record.

is there any purpose to these 2 drivers loosing their license and cars? both use their cars for work and are now having work troubles due to no ride. the laws are in place to stop hoon drivers, make people slow down and abide by the rules, these 2 were nabbed for no reason besides following the rules... what constitutes "not slowing down in time" or excessive acceleration?

this morning on my way to work I was nearly side swiped by a grandma changing lanes, she didnt care that it was bumper to bumper traffic moving at 80km/h, she was not phased that my car was in the way of her maneuver. I had to slam the brakes thus the car behind me nearly hitting me and so on. I flashed my lights and hit the horn but didnt even get a wave from her saying sorry! now if I report this incident will the police even care? or follow it up? I bet not!

Yet if there were to be 3 annonymous calls made about my vehicle driving dangerously with no proof but the callers discretion I can get hit by the hoon laws?

I think drivers in Australia should have to go through a retest every 2-3 years, not only to retest skill levels etc but so all drivers are aware of the rules, they change that many rules per year that most drivers wouldn't even know they are breaking the law until they come across a bored copper that is way off his quoter for the day.

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Keep the personal comment out of this thread !!!

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Since you asked for opinions.....You seem to have a problem controlling a performance vehicle under varying road conditions. Perhaps you should consider driving something a bit less. As for the burnout on the way out.....very immature.

I'll bend over and take big one next time, thanks for the tip I'll make a mental note.

Edited by Brods
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Why does everyone love the idea of these driver 'courses'?

In a perfect world everyone would be trained so we can deal with whatever dangerous obscure situation we might find ourselves in, but in reality it's a waste of time and money. Not enough people are going to benefit.

I have ZERO sympathy for people such as P platers who kill themselves within a week of getting the fastest car they can buy. It shouldn't require a course to know that you need to drive conservatively if you are inexperienced.

The only realistic action that I think should be taken is to come down harder on the stupid non-hoon behaviour (slow in right lane etc), retest only old people to ensure they aren't a hazard, and eliminate bullsh*t like what Rusty XR6T wrote about.

Edited by brettenator
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p.s. old poeple and azn drivers... always pull out in front of u and go 20kmph ARGHHHHH

P-platers should get speed limiters to 100kmph..

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There have been some great points raised in this thread. I've just read it from start to finish.

Unfortunately, all you need to do is look at the comments of this morning's Herald Sun article to realise we are fighting a losing battle.

When I say 'we' I mean responsible driving enthusiasts (not c**kheads) and the battle is that against the media-led beat up and witch hunt of young males driving nice, clean, well maintained cars.

It would be great to somehow begin counter-acting the media beat up (lead in my mind by, The Herald Sun) with balanced pieces in the media showing the side of our community that the scum at Herald Sun and Today Tonight don't depict. It would be great to see level-headed, mature enthusiasts with clean modified cars showing the brainwashed public that most responsible enthusiasts are in fact not hoons and have a high regard for the safety of others.

Someone said a few pages ago that it would be fantastic if we as a community could somehow unify to have a larger public voice instead of posting on threads across different forums. If those of us who drive cleanly modified cars could band together and disassociate ourselves from those who are part of the 'chopped spring scene' and the "I'm driving my rusted VS Late model camira at 204km/h in a school zone" scene then we might start to make some headway.

Though as I said, the 'anti young male in a nice car' mindset is so entrenched in the public's mind that I fear it's a losing battle.

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Just to add to what I said above. I know it's not really possible, as you won't convince them that modifying our cars is not to gain more power, and that's the bit they hate.

Guess I'm just picturing a perfect world lol!

I wonder how many of the people who witch-hunt hoons also text and talk while driving. Would be great to show them they are hypocrites, that's all!

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Losing battle alright, but I really can't see how the stereotype can be changed.

Skaiffe did a story for Sunday Night last year that ruffled a few feathers but it only lasted a week or so and they moved back to their usual mantra of speed kills/young drivers are hoons/high performance vehicles are the devil etc fairly swiftly.

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