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Tossers At Work

turbo ute79

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Read a tale on another forum about work place lunch thieves... someone brings lunch to work every day, a bottle of coke and a pie or whatever. Over a few weeks the coke keeps getting taken from the fridge and drunk by another worker. The bloke gets so fed up he decides to teach them a lesson. Buys another coke as usual. Drinks a couple inches worth from it...fills it back up by pissing in it. Puts it in the fridge. Once it's gone again that day, the announcement is made to the workshop that whoever the dirty thief is has just drank a load of p!ss. Didn't have the same problem again!


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Ok could a mod delete one of those, forum claimed it was over worked but it obviously received the first post :/

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Wanna me delete that one ^ too? :dontknow:

Don't get me started on some of the carnt's I have to work with.... :stirthepot:

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Nah that one is keeping the original company :turboboink:

My workplace is pretty good I have to say. Not great $ though! Can't win em all eh.

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Am I alone in thinking no matter where you work there will be someone that pisses you off. It seems no matter where I work there is always one person that rubs me the wrong way. I am sure there are people out there that hated working with me but I try to be nice to everyone try not to give smartass answers to stupid questions and generally not be a tosser. It always seems to be one person that annoys me but the boss usually loves them cause they are so far up his ass only bootlaces are hanging out.

I totally agree with you mate.

Lucky for me I have become senior to this fella in our group at work and he has quickly learnt to get back in line

haha karma I tell you

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I'm pretty lucky a mine site is a massive place so it's easy to ignore & dodge those type of people. Unfortunatly they are still around & in our line of work like others have already said asslickers & pole smokers seem to get up the ladder quicker before those that really deserve it cause those other blokes are too busy gettin the job done rather cupping someone elses oldfella.

Love my job & the money is awesome so I can't really complain, I'd prefer to do it the old fashion way & work hard!!!

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Someone was leaving, and naively put a list of names on an envelope for donations for a gift, like is done at a lot of other places. $20 was put in to start with and it was passed on. You get it, make a donation (or not), cross your name off, and pass it on to someone else.

After it being passed through everyone on the list, it comes back with about $7 in loose change.

Man, I was gobsmacked. That is such a low act. Some people at that organisation certainly were "Determined to be different".

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Actually yeah that sh*t pisses me off too.

A guy got the arse over the holidays cause apparently he stole $1500 worth of fuel on a company card, like he made nearly twice that a week wtf bother? I just can't understand some people.

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We have a real winner at work. I work in manufacturing , got about 40 employees in 2 seperate sheds on the 1 site.

Standout employee is Dave,

Dave is a great worker, puts in a big day everyday and that's probably the only thing keeping him there.

- He doesnt shower. Now I dont mean that he doesnt shower enough or not often enough, I mean he doesnt shower at all. He comes into work at 5:30 or earlier filthy from the day before.

- He doesnt wash his clothes. One time he wore the same shirt 3 days in a row without a wash between those days. Doesnt wear socks at all

- He has done everything imaginable. Ask him something and he has done it. Every job imaginable. Apparantly he is a qualified Hydraulic engineer and a 5 star chef among other things.

- Collects cig buts from the ashtray to make a dumper when he is out of money and smokes.

- Says he owns 6 houses around the country yet he lives in a lodge for low income, Lies about everything, knows more then you etc etc

- Doesnt wash his hands after going to toilet, before touching the fridge or milk that's in it etc

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