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Tossers At Work

turbo ute79

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We were having a few beers last week and the tosser found out we are having free booze at my wedding in a few months. Wasnt he excited...Won't he get a shock when he does not get an invite. :roflmbo: Gives me sh*t about driving a ford and I mean really gives it to me and you know what he drives......... A navara haha haha.

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C-O-C-K-S-U-C-K-E-R-S nothing sh*ts me more than the sniveling little pea-hearted, skirt wearing, purse twirling, brown nosed, back stabbing gutless grubs at my work.... There ya go...that's my bitch for the week

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The workplace im in has 400+ in it, the area im in is made up of about 60-70 and everyone knows who the tossers are throughout the whole company and in general we all have a good laugh at them for kissing ass and all that s*%t.

Its nice not to worry about those people, it is amazing how they can lack skills but overtake someone who is by far better just cause they eat dick.

you cant get near my old boss hi tony as he has a constant line behind him he must have the cleanest but in sydney and when its time to get rid of staff due to workload you get the chop if your not under his desk that's the aircon-construction game in sydney and that's how I got my nickname dam backstabers glad im not one an old bloke I worked with once said to me a good suckworth will go further than a good tradesman in this industry after 15 years and gettin laidoff dozens of times I agree with him

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  • Senior Moron
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Geez Stink,no sugar coating that hey!!! :roflmbo: :roflmbo:

LOL.....Nothin' sh*ts me more than fvckin butt growlers at work.

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Don't join the military then as it's full of those Cnts!

Agreed. Army's pretty bad, I just finished my 4 years. Now I've gone to Uni and believe me, the Army has nothing on Uni for the number of backstabbing, whining little skirt wearing f*ckbags I have to deal with ... What happened to young people today? I'm only 22 but seriously, most guys my age are a waste of perfectly good oxygen!

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  • Cruise Control
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Years ago I got a job in the workshop of a Sydney motor dealer....

Theres this other guy working there who thought he was God's gift to mechanics ( you know the type).... :innocent:

We never got on because he was just a tool and I tend to say what I think so we didn't hit it off too well to start with...

Three weeks into my probationary period, we're in the changeroom and he accuses me of stealing his wallet?? :nono:

I'm telling him I don't know anything about it....things get heated and he pushes me so I smacked him in the mouth.... :shakefist:

The other guys separate us and the manager comes in to see what the fracas is all about....calls me to his office and says if I don't give it back he's gonna' call the cops!!...WTF!!

After I offer to call them for him, he backs down and just tells me to give the tool a wide berth......yeah right...

A week later he calls me in again and tells me there gonna' have to let me go because of the friction in the workshop...that's it....I tell him what to do with his job,packed up my tools up and left. Two months later the manager calls me and tells me that while converting the changeroom to store spare parts, they moved the lockers and you'll never guess what they found underneath.....the tool's wallet with his money intact right where he must have kicked it while getting changed!!

The only positive out of the whole story was the fact that the manager had enough guts to ring me and apologise....

Stuff em'...I didn't really want to work there anyway.

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  • 09JET
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Its the thieves and cowards that can't own up when they f*ck up that sh*t me. The thieves need their f***n hands chopped off Islam style and the others blame every other *beep* for their wrong doing. They need their tongues cut out and sold as a delicacy. Their idea of a good bloke differs from mine. But I'll just get along and suffer them most of the time to make it easier for me to get through the day, smiling and knowing they have no future and won't be there long.

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