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get your hession sacks and whacking sticks ready.

This will probably never be said again , but I have been very impressed

with Anna Thighs handling of the flood crisis in Qld.

As for that whining Ranga that supposedly leads this Nation FFS :sleepystuff:

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First of all hope everyone is safe, and condolence to anyone who has had losses.

Hope it doesn't get any worse any of the communities in the path of this distruction.

It's amazing how strong mother nature can be.

The pollies need to stop filling there pockets and start doing there jobs as well all the money they have given to other countries in need, wonder if the favors get returned.

Been on water restrictions for so long up here, even while dam was at 80% having to pay excessive water rates and all and where was all that money going to?

Got this stupid ugly decelenation plant down the coast that's now redundant.

I grew up in Marsden shortly after 74 floods and heard so many rumours of how high the flood water was there, quite a few times we had minor flooding where the park 100m from home would be completely under and water up to our letterbox.

The council had done entry of work to stop flooding there, I went for a drive last night to see how it was faring and the park is not even under as well scrubby creek bridge on

Kingston road used to go under and it wasn't even near it as yet, mine you there was a lot

of water around. Ihad been wondering about the dam from the first news report saying it was over 100% , #?!?* does not not mean it's over full, I mentioned it once and should not have to my wife and now she has been in tears since, hence the drive last night to check out the known flood areas in my locality.

I ve carmed her down now telling her that we are safe as it's not to be worried about as Marsden is still doing ok and we are at Boronia Heights which I'm sure is higher than marsden.

I don't know what effect the flooding of the Brisbane river would have on us southside

residence, what I do know is we have also suffered at times when Brisbane ubd has in the past.

Even still if that dam goes I wonder how far it will engulf Brisbane, all I can say is hope everyone can get to a safe place and it does not come to the dam failing.

Be safe remember everything can be replaced except lives.

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Just moved out of my office at Rocklea this morning.

Office is in behind the Shell Truckstop at Rocklea. There is a 74 floodmark on the wall of one of the buildings there and if this dude gets to that level or beyond......fark.

Came back through the city and couldn't believe the pontoons etc being swept down from upriver.

Gunna be a long long time before Qld (& others) recover from this.

Specially since Krud & the gang spent all of that hard earned Future Fund we had stashed away..!!

Ah well, just borrow a few more Kev (1 x Kev = 1 x Bill)of our Northern co-owners and add it to the already freakish interest bill that we pay each day.

In the words of A E Newman "Wot me worry?

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Oh Dags... He's gunna lose a lot of dough.

I have friends in Ipswich and just spoke to them. They are having a roof top BBQ. But spewing because they are out of ice. Good old Aussie spirit.

Our garden ended up in the pool last night. The canal was lapping at the back door. But it's gone higher in 98 with the king tide.

It's going to take a long time for a lot of people to just get there heads above water again.. Let hope it stays in the mind of our Premier. (the PM is useless) And they are not left high and dry with nothing. No pun intended.

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yeah we take care of a lot of servers in the brisbane area. as far as I know brisbane city has had power cut as a safety precaution. whoever has electricity there has a power pack/generator. spent most of my day rolling out DR.

it's good to see major companies around australia have already put out the helping hand. CBA putting in $1.35 million, bank west to put some more on top of that. and whoever else on top of that!

my thoughts go out to the people effected and families of people who have lost someone(s). defiantly not the way to start the new year

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So far there's only a handful of buildings in the CBD that have had their power cut, there's a sh*tload of unwarranted hysteria out there. Just had Energex in our building an hour ago as we were concerned with the two inches of water running through our basement substation...they said it would be fine and didn't want to cut our power and advised against us isolating the backup generators for the time being as well.

So don't believe all the crap that the media spew out in search of the sensational headline. Just like the "entire CBD evacuated" thing yesterday, other than a select few there still hasn't been any actual evacuations.

Having said that it's still yet to peak so the fun is really yet to begin. :buttrock:

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My heart goes out to you guys up there struggling with this event, hope everything works out for the best and may the fords be with you!

X 2

Pretty horrible stuff really and you'd like to think everyone has insurance but unfortunately there will be plenty who don't.

Winvenhoe dam must be an incredibly scary sight :shocked:

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  • The Cleaning Dudes Ute
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I use Alltel for my business's 1300 number/Live answering service.

Just got an email from Alltel tonight that their offices have been evacuated and they won't be answering calls for the time being.

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