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Turbo Waste Gate Flapper Mod


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  • 5 months later...
  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Another thing to look for when buying a s/hand unit is to check the shaft for excessive play. If the bush is flogged out and/or shaft is worn, when the actuator is connected it will tilt the flapper off its seat and bleed boost.

Edited by Bomber
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got one done by a reputable turbo shop in Sydney .when I looked at it I thought it was bodged up so I send it to another turbo shop to take a look at it before I fitted it to the car .there reply was it is fine they do not have to seal 100% ,and that this is normal .but now I am suffering with spool up problems and may find that this is some of my problems .what do you guys think of this



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Did you use a torch to shine through from behind the flapper to see how much of a gap there is?

Also while it is closed with the torch shining try moving and spinning the flapper on the seat to see if the "play" in the flapper creates more of a gap a certain positions as this can be something that people often miss!

For testing I would have a mate (who knows these cars also) and have him hold the boost gauge (mechanical is best) and load the car in 3rd or 4th if you have the room, otherwise 2nd gear but be careful... and take him for the first drive as is then return and bypass the solenoid and try again then finally what I did was got some wire and wired the wastegate shut for testing.

We had to do the wire on ray076's fg turbo when he bought a gt3540 that was modded (I think it was either *Beep*'s or djkice?) and the port job was so f*cked that it came on boost at 4200rpm or something f*cking ridiculous with the flapper wired shut!!!

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that's just day light mate,with a torch it looks worse .the flapper does not get stuck, even if I rotate the flapper it operates ok .at the picture it would be at its worst position . I just hate experts that know nothing at all ,these modify places should be burned down if they rip of people .or better stoned in front of the people they ripped off .lets bring back the old roman laws ,that would stop the *beep* from doing wrong to people

Edited by gunna
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I know the pictures above are with the flapper open mate but what I was trying to explain was did you use a torch to look for leaks while the flapper was SHUT?

The main problems I have seen or read about are-

- Ralph's post #23 When a bigger flapper is fitted the wastegate gets stuck when in the full open position on the side of the housing unless ground or milled off.

- The hole has been reamed to the point where there is not enough of a seat left to seal (under 1mm!)

And the side that is opposite the straight edge of the D has been flowed also which is not good for flow into the wastegate (the way the gas flows) afaik.

As for these so called Experts...I'm with you on that one especially with the price they charge to do it!

I believe we should have national service in this country as f*cking kids these days...

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Can't stress enough to check the amount of shaft play. I've got a genuine housing at the moment that had been done by a reputable company but it had excessive movement. This may have occurred after it was done but it would have leaked boost for certain.

It's easy to check. Pull down to simulate the actuator being connected and see if it rocks the shaft to a point it lifts the flapper off its seat on the opposite side. I've got a new shaft and bush going in to make it right.

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if mine was worn out ,why would they not fit a new one to it .or even phone me to say that it needs more repairs to make it work better .they are all just lazy people that should be cleaning toilets and and do nothing else in there live time . so called experts have done work to my car have only caused me trouble .I know in my own trade ,most people are hopeless and then have the hide to say that I am to fussy .I do it once and its done correctly .so when I get something done I want it to the same standards .

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  • 2 weeks later...
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^ There isnt really an answer too "what size are people porting them out too" The hole isnt round when finished, as mention it should be a D shape. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I usually leave aprox 1.5mm over lap.As Aronn mentioned the oold flapper is 33m, with this overlap the "round" section of the new port is aprox the same diameter as the old flapper valve. But the squared off section reduces the overall area. Porting and blending the inside of the exhaust side helps overcome size increase lost too this area.

The wastegate hole in my turbo is round, perfectly round. no flat section at the top (should be pics in another of my threads) if its bored out and the guy is worth his salt, then he'll offset the hole slightly lower to allow the flapper clearance at the point of closing.

I spent a fair bit of time blending the port inside with rotary stones and carbide burrs to get happy with it.

I cant fault my 3582. 390rwkw 98 and 432rwkw E85.

Flapper mods are cheap if you go to the right places.

my .02c

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