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Donations - Why Donate?


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  • loitering with intent
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assuming 18000 members ( not all are active despite a clean out) this equates to ~ a 4% conversion in DMs.

This does not include the many 100s of "guests" that visit this site each and every week to soak up the combined knowledge provided for over 8 years for the Xr6T and it's derivatives.

The first, original and best resource for the Ford XR6T.

Just to speculate it would be interesting to plot members/guests savings V donations ?

If people have questions , in the majority the answer is on here somewhere or will usually be answered.

Whether it's car issues, what components to buy, cruises, fellowship etc etc , this is pretty much

a single engine site and boasts a pretty damned good traffic flow considering.Wasn't that long ago a

12s pass was legendry. We have come a long way and it is all here!

I will stick with it is not a site but a community, and the fact I have met what will be life long mates

( not friends)because of this joint. My 40th birthday was a good example

A lot of people have spent lots of money, sponsors and customers alike to keep everyone up to date

with the latest info , new products and services.

If you own a T where do you go ?

If I sound like I'm rattling the tin, I am . Every bit helps!Not saying you have to but , should you ?

I am a member on quite a few sites and I have to say this is one of if not the best

in its class.As a business professional I don't make ambit claims.

tab will be knocking on your door or standing over you naked as you lie sleeping if you don't cough up.



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  • flame magnet
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too right buf. if it wasnt for this site I dont think too many t owners would have the weapons they have now.... me included.

with the (relatively) handfull of realy clued up guys who know alot about working with these beasts, take the the site away, and you take the access to their combined knowledge away, and you are left with 'my mate said do this and this....", and alot of blown boat anchors in peoples driveways..... :surrenderwave:

come on guys, throw in 20 bucks now and then. its easy to forget, so now is a good time to do it while its fresh in everyones minds.

of course, its probably only donating members reading this thread though..... :sleepystuff:

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  • A much better forum
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Why don't you block guests from the forum???

Yeah... I can't believe the amount of guys who come on here and rob the place for advice but won't pay a cent... Cheap *beep*...

There's also those guys who rob tuners for hours of knowledge then walk away when the find somewhere "cheaper" to do the right... Can cost them in the long run though...

Then there's the awesome blokes like SPIRO who do the development and the donations!!!

Can you make donations tax deductible? Become a not for profit org?

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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To go not for profit requires a huge amount of compliance and is not worth it.

It is the same hassel going to being a "car club".

We cannot stop guests as they convert into members who then hopefully convert into donating members.

I personally woud like to restrict access more to the technical areas for DM's only, but then it can also backfire by people going to other sites that do not have this restriction.

It is a difficult balance of costs vs donations and it is a fine line. None of the Mods or Owners get anything financial from this site, we do it for the love of it and hope that our members help in supporting the financial side of running this site.

I doubt many people have been made rich from a car forum, but I am sure many have gone broke.

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  • Donating Members
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18,000 members and only 800 donating members is very dissapointing, its making me upset just reading this. without this site I would not have met Mick from pitlane, who has been good to me and jd customs for fitting my custome garrett cooler, alex- plazmaman who supplied me the 800 hp intercooler kit one of the first kits that came out. (my first upgrade back in 06). list goes on etc.

come on guys its only 20 bux minimum to donate, n your helping this forum stay online for another yr! Icers idea could help, running the forum. but doesn't change the fact we still need more members donating, more members donating can try organize cheaper car insurance which I mentioned earlier ( will definitely getting more people to donate) and maybe we can organize more events, hire out a racetrack (sandown, once a yr) to use.

or make a petition to open sandown fridays from 5pm to 10pm once a month. it will definitely keep hoon off the street and help the community and the car scene. will cost heaps but that's long way away if it happends.

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  • Resident idiot.
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A track day for dm's.. That would have made me donate on day 1!!! but I have enjoyed my time on here. I'd like to know whats stopping people donating a few bucks? if you find yourself on here every week and have found useful information that may have saved you a heap of coin then why not give a little back to those that have helped you? It will make you feel better.

How about restricting some of the site to non dm's? or have more dm only things???????? at the moment there really isn't that much incentive and since so many people are tightarses then maybe someone needs to make it better value. I'm keen on the track idea or something similar. how about a gift for those who donate more? A hat, a hoodie?? f*ck even a keyring is better than nothing

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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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Big thanks to everyone that has kicked in over the last week or so, for those that haven't :stickpoke: lol

But as it's been said before if you kick in even 20 here and there it all helps, and when you consider how much money the forum saves you in the long run in group buys, avoiding dodgy tuners and workshops, buying the right gear, cheap second hand gear, getting the right info the first time round, be able to see results on other peoples cars and get feedback before you spend big etc.. etc.. I think it's a worthwhile investment.:spoton:

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  • The Noble Leader
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Thanks again guys. We can now buy the software we need to get.. keep the donations coming though! Can help us improve the site even further! Thanks again!

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  • Resident idiot.
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Glad to help! I'm still keen on a track day or something.... Would pay more for that but need someone needs to organize it (not me).

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