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"Upgrading" Start Button On Fpv'S


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Well, first thing's first.. this question is for the FG series FPV. We all know the FPV's come with a start button, but like the Focus XR5, you need to still hold the remote to unlock the doors, and, for FPV's, put the key in to push the button.

Does anyone know of a company / person that would change the way the key works? I don't know exactly how it would work, but is it possible to make the car unlock and start similar to that of a Mondeo (but more like a Toyota Prado (top range) or Audi A4/S4, where there's no visible button on the door handle, but a sensing system if your key is in range)?

I know it may cost a bit, but it would be nice to do something a bit "different" to the FPV to make it worth more of the 70-odd grand the car is..

That, and halogen lights would have been a winner to an already amazing product of a car.

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FPV would do itself a huge favour by deleting the button... real P.I.T.A !!

the start button is a good as idea! fpv just have it wrong by making you put the key in ignition, its just pointless.

in our audi I dont even take the keys out of my pocket, it unlocks/locks itself as soon as its in/out of range

then just jump in, push in clutch pedal, push start button and your away (the keys never leave my pocket)

sorry to get off topic, I dont know of any companies that do this, im sure there will be one somewhere

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yeah that would be a great idea. my bro in laws toyota does this ffs! I reckon it would be hard to retro fit, but not impossible. surely there is some module somewhere that activates when a linked device is in range.

if it could be installed in line from the ignition to the ecu, then the igniton barrel removed from its original position and hidden under the dash somewhere with the original key in and ON. when you have the trigger device on you and approach the car, it would activate and connect the hidden ignition barrel with key in(already on) and the car would get ready to start (prime fuel pump, all dash check lights on). then all you would need to do is push the starter button and your away. there would be some bugs I can think of straight away, like how do you turn the car off?

this could be done by replacing the original start button with one from a car that starts AND stops the engine, or prol easier with a second button that would momentarily cut power to the module to kill the engine. however in that case, when you release the stop button, the ignition would come back on, ready to start the engine again, which could be annoying....

of course, that would all turn off when you walk away....

then theres the task of the car locking/ unlocking when you are in/ out of range.... :dontknow:

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