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Have Your Say On The Road Safety Debate


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  • Kia Sorento
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I want to know what happened to LOGIC in the road speed debate. The numbers dont support the argument that Speed is the only thing that kills. If you compare the numbers of road deaths against the numbers of cars and trips now made from the 1980's we have improved outa sight, true every death is a death we dont need, but the states are not trying to improve the situation other than more fines!!

Road design and driver training are bigger factors but that would require the states to spend money ( holy sh*t batman... spend :innocent: we dont do that )

I have just returned from England and driving on their motorways is a joy, the speed differential between the lanes works so well, Left most lane = trucks and others below 50mph(80kph), Middle lane = cars from 50mph to 70 mph, Outside lane = 70mph plus

Our driver told us that you are booked for being over or under the speed limits for each lane.

Indicators, and headlight flashs are used to tell others of your intentions, works really well.

There are roads in this country that could have this system implemented and drivers educated to use it properly.

and a personal pet hate - keep left :smilielol:

So what I want is better road, faster cars with considerate drivers, double the fines for 60kph zones in cities and towns but allow me to travel at my comfortable speed within the road conditions in this vast land with hugh distances, no other country has the distances we have to cater for. Maybe if a few pollies got out onto the roads,,,,na that wouldnt happen.

and while most states are having budget problems the easy money gathered by speed cameras is never going to be given up easily, just dont lie to me that it is for my safety, be honest...ya need the money


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News poll on www.ninemsn.com.au. Question is:

"Do you beleive that speed cameras promote safe driving?"

The results thus far:

Yes 7358

No 18530!

That's about 28% of the population who are brain washed by government propaganda and 72% who will are sick of governments using greed cameras to tax drivers.

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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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Watching SKY news this morning with the Victorian Minister for Police and some other 1/2 wit ducking for cover over the fixed speed camera recall :thumbsup: (even the news reader had a hint of derision in his voice :thumbsup: ), What's the first bit of brivel to spew from Brack's mouth........."This is not a sign for people to start speeding everywhere..... :o "

What a dipstick....as if 99% of drivers are going to turn into amature Ambroses and start driving flat out because 40 odd cameras are being taken down for 6 weeks.

Could'nt believe how much revenue these mongrel contraptions are generating.

Shout hard and long people.....it's the only time these pr!cks listen. :angry:

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All you Victorians be careful for the next few weeks, with no cameras to protect you from the henious speed factor YOU'LL ALL DIE.

But seriously it will be interesting to see how the Vic Govt spins the lack of fatalities in the camera down time.

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  • I see red
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Yes, you are right, , I wonder what the Government will say when fatalities don't increase.. Have the Government been lying to us all this time saying "Speed Kills"?

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  • Flaccid Member
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fixed speed camera recall

God bless the legal system.

let the B@stards choke on thier own red tape.

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It is not if the tax man is banging on your door to collect money against your will like the used to do in the 1800's. Its all up to the foot. The limit is the limit. Recently holidayed in Victoria where I hired a car and did the winery tour throughout the country. I was absolutely astonished by the driver speed compliance. Compare this with Nth Qld drivers it was incredible. Dont get me wrong I love speed but I would also like to take things I want from a shop with out paying for them too but hey im not allowed to do that either. I see driver behaviour day in and day out, if you made the limit 80 from 60, people would do 100. If you made 200 from 100 people would do 220. But in saying this Victorias alleged 3km grace is rediculous. There will always be two sides to this story.

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  • My new toy
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In the latest wheels mag there is a story on speed and road deaths.

It starts with speed is not the main culprit.

Than says that the official S A govt statistics for the years 1995 to 2002 that speed was the primary apparent error in less than 1 percent of all road crashes and only ranks 15th in all causes.

This was exposed by Harry Wood,vice-president of the national motorists association of australia.

He also stated that since the 50 km/h aurban spped was introduced that deaths had increased by 42.5 precent in aurban areas in SA alone.


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  • Member For: 21y 3m 17d
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Not a contributing factor but definately the cause of death.


Your cruising in your car on the highway at a casual 110 115km/h. Old mate coming towards you from the other way falls asleep at the wheel and has a head on with you.

"On the books" fatigue was the cause of that accident and that's were they derive their figures from, sourcing the TAIS file from the accident.

The fact that you died was most probably the extra 15km/h. If you were doing 90 to 95 maybe you would have had a chance, an extra split second to swerve.

Im a bit biased I suppose, maybe ive knocked on the door and delivered the bad news too many times.

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