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Polishing Stock Fg Intercooler


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  • Member For: 15y 5m 26d
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Decided that I didn't like the crappy look that the stock intercooler gets after a while.

Decided to see how good I could get it.

Here are the results:






So for those of you interested in doing this you'll need the following:

Wet & dry sandpaper in the following grits: 180, 360, 800, 1200 (get two of each grade and an additional 2 of the 180 grit). All up about $25

Josco Polishing wheel kit from Bunnings ($40) comes with a large sisal abrasive wheel, large buffing wheel and two smaller wheels the same.Black abrasive polishing rouge & white polishing rouge

Mains powered drill (as it takes a while)

Aluminium/metal polish ($15)

Safety glasses and face mask.

Lots af time & patience (took me around 7 hours from starting to take front bar off to back on the road)

With the sandpaper you start with the 180 and work up to the 1200.

Same with the wheels - start with the hard sisal and finish with the buffer.

Heres a good link:

While your at it you may as well clean the inside of the IC. I blocked the ends of with a rubber glove and elastic band, filled with turps and sloshed it around for a few minutes.Emptied.

Then repeated with turps. Emptied. Then repeated with fuel. Drained and let dry internally overnight.

Edited by Skidude
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Looks tuff! $100 and looks heaps better than stock.

And nice write up.

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Just a recommendation, you can also mask the end tanks up once they're polished and spray the core with silver spray paint. Most brand name coolers do this as well as you can never polish or maintain the tube/fins or bar/plates afterwards.

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  • Member For: 15y 5m 26d
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I was puzzled about how to clean the fins & tubes.

Bought some Meguiars Non acidic alloy whell cleaner and a very soft alloy wheel brush.

Sprayed it on and gently scrubbed up/down. Then hosed off being careful to go head on with the water and not bend any fins.

It came up better than I expected.


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  • Member For: 15y 5m 26d
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  • Location: Penrith, NSW

@ AJ-80.....You could always get a second hand one, take your time polishing it, then swap it over.

I'm really happy with how it looks, as it now looks aftermarket and I find myself staring at it.

I'm sure the neighbours think I'm a nut case.

Edited by Skidude
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