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Ba Xr6T Ute

blow off

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Hey Steve, yours is nothing to be sneezed at, good daily drive mate.

Been chasing my box/converter builder and the good news it's not far away.... We will be right to see what a Boosted Barra motor can really do running on Methanol.....

Wacked on some Toyo R888 315/30/20's the other day and was that impressed brought another set. 1.39 60 foot runnning gtech on the street....

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that's one serious ride...have to feather the throttle just to drive in a straight line...very impressive..good luck with the build...:buttrock:

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We only increased the timing by 2 degrees from 98 pump and we have now found out that a minimum of 30 degrees is a starting point using methanol...

Chad does this mean that you advanced the timing by 2 degrees when using the methanol??

What is a minimum of 30 degrees???

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Yep, that's right.. only an advance of 2 degrees of timing was added to the methanol tune (607kws) compaired to the 98 tune (550kws) due to the convertor slipping. Boost was raised 5 psi to 33 also. We are going to drop the boost down to around 24 and put as much timing into it as possible and move up from there when tuning on Meth again (Not far away).

For memory the current Meth tune had about 20 degrees of timing so as a reccommend starting point 30 is the go and then raise this 2 degrees each time untill it pings/detanates. We are thinking 40+ might be the tops...?? So there will be no problems with at least an additional 10 degrees and go from there. There is a blend between timing and boost from my understanding of tuning.

We really are not 100% sure what we will get out of this thing but Dave thinks around 750+Kws, the + being the big unknowed, if you do the math between the above figures its looking more like 900+kws running the 33 psi without the crank flying out the bottomend.... :turboboink:

I would be very happy with over 1000hp !! :w00t2:

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cheers that makes sense now...

Do you think the t51r is capable of 1000hp at the treads???

Seems like a good all round turbo choice as it appears to make boost reasonably earlier compared some other big turbos that we have seen on here at is making good top end ....

Your dyno graph was really smooth too...

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Should be running Meth but between a T400 and a large custom stall and with all the normal drive-line power costs lets wait and see.

Looking at 1 of the new Garrett GTX Turbos if the T51r does not cut it. These GTX are looking close to the ducks nuts even better than the HKS.... Have to dig a little deeper... :turboboink:

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Hey all, whats been happening ?????

Got a nice little supprise waiting when returning from Thailand (Fark they love their rices over there, some sweet euro's exotics and heaps of nissans, would be fun to bring our powered up rigs over here and show them what's it all about, would have to have a big brake package, LOL, after the labour day long weekend) Ute will have the new stall converter fitted and tranzbrake (finally), harness and a few other goodies !!!

It's booked in for a re-tune on the 6th of May with Dave.

If we do not drop the crank out the bottom end there is a local dyno comp on the following day with good prize money on hand, Kent you keep away, LOL !!

Keep you posted on the results of the re-tuning.

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that's exactly the problem im having. it made 400kw at 12psi and only 420 at 20psi. converter was just slipping to limiter. so they put a manual in to see what it should be making roughly with the auto and try and get the right converter. it was perfect on 600hp pump fuel but cant handle the extra boost for some reason. mines t400 too. so a tce converter is the go?

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I do not know about the TCE.

The T400 in mine has a 9" custom built converter (Old 1) which was done by the box builder. With the converters in our cars there is alot to be taken into account, after heaps of reserch, like the large amount of foot pound of torque they make, high weight, oil temps and type of oil and what you want out of the car eg - converter to slip or flare to when its on boost so great for 1/4 times or a tighter converter for dyno comps.

The biggest problem is the different power levels our engines make with different fuels.

My old coverter held around 540rwks so it might be suited to your application.

The new custom converter is a 10.5" and is going to be tight so will be great for dyno comps but the Ute my not got up on boost to get it out of the hole of 1/4 times so might need a shot of NOZ.

My converter/box builder thinks with 600rwks tune on the old coverter which was flaring straight to the limiter to the new 1 which will not flare above, around 2600rmp on meth will automaticly pick up 100rwks.

Edited by blow off
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