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Looking For A New Job


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  • Member For: 18y 6m 8d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Hey fellas,

I know its close to christmas yada yada..

Im currently working for a company installing Foxtel, which is a good job, but im thinking that as I get older I cant be crawling in roof spaces and on roofs for much longer lol.. Im 26 and am wanting a job with more of a future, not too fussed as im willing to give anything a try.

I saw a while ago Pit Lane was offering an apprenticeship mechanic position which I would have jumped at, but I was working interstate at the time and it wasnt possible, something like that I would be interested in.

I have various qualifications in the telecommunication industry and in the hospitality industry. Have a LR truck license, EWP, First aid and Working at heights certificate off the top of my head. But yea willing to try anything, but would love a job in the automotive industry

So if u have a position available, or know of one let me know and ill foward my resume, etc..

Cheers Mike.

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