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Citric Acid

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  • Formerly Turbo6
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Apart from the pictures that someone has already posted on the site (which after seeing made me change my order to CA), has anyone actually seen a Citric Acid on the road or in natural light?? Or better still, got photos?? If you have seen one, what did you think??

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Saw a citric acid XR Ute parked outside a Ford dealer. Hard to compare a ute to a sedan, but it did not look quite the same as richdaves pics; there is a stronger hint of green when you see it on the street compared to the photos. Personal opinion is that it looks very striking from a distance, and would choose it as my colour in a second :sick:. My only doubt was whether I would still like it in 2 years time :blush:. In the end I went for blueprint.

PS. it was a cloudy day and, from what I have seen of other colours, probably looks different again in full sun.

PPS. if you do go CA, I would also get tints for the windows - would set off the yellow nicely I reckon :sick: .

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Guest suttoinc
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Yeah I saw a GT going out past calder park a couple of weeks ago in citric acid and while it was on the other side of the road it certainly caught my attention. I am not a big fan of the colour but that is just me, I think more than any other colour on the road Citric acid gets your attention.

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  • Brendan Dennis
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I went to have a look at the car that was at Doncaster Ford (Inside the dealer)

The colout is not to my liking but that is me. It seems to be a flat colour. Ford say it is metalic but I could not see that in the car. I like a metalic colour so I chose Phantom. Having said that I did / do have a AUII Venum XR6. The red is also a flat colour. (currently for sale by the way). B)

I think it is something you need to see for yourself and build your own opinion...

I think it may date but then again so may the Phantom although unlikely... :blush:

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  • Formerly Turbo6
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  bdennis said:

I went to have a look at the car that was at Doncaster Ford (Inside the dealer)

The colout is not to my liking but that is me. It seems to be a flat colour. Ford say it is metalic but I could not see that in the car. I like a metalic colour so I chose Phantom. Having said that I did / do have a AUII Venum XR6. The red is also a flat colour. (currently for sale by the way). B)

I think it is something you need to see for yourself and build your own opinion...

I think it may date but then again so may the Phantom although unlikely... :blush:

Appreciate the comments guys.

I am really looking forward to seeing one in the flesh but the way I am going my ute will probably be the first I see!!

I am taking my lease (Salary packaged of course) over 2 years only, so I can see what other goodies Ford has in store for me then!

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I just hope "Citric Acid" is like "Phantom Purple" or "Acid Rush". There is no photo that can possibly do the colour any justice. (Apart from the professional shots CJF077 had done, the night shots were incredible).

Some Phantom shots have come close but hmmmm, it's an impossible colour to capture. Think Citric Acid is also one of these colours. Not my cup of tea but I haven't seen one in the flesh either so I don't really have the right to pass judgement. Guess I'll have to hunt you down in Chermside hey? See for myself? :D :D :D


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  • Formerly Turbo6
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I will let you know when it arrives ed and yes, you can see for yourself. :thumbsup:

I was just speaking to my dealer before and he finds out on Tuesday exactly when it is slated for production (should be next week!).

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  • Formerly Turbo6
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Thanks for that Turbo-6 (nice name!) :)

See, now that looks different again in that light compared with Dave's pictures. It actually is getting better and better as far as I am concerned!!!!!

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