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Ford & Fpv Dealers In Australia


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  • Member For: 14y 10m 13d
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see so some good responses and some bad, totally depends on the service guy at the dealer and wether or not he got laid recently.

interesting stuff about dealers offering mods, where does the warranty lay? Ford wouldnt warrant the mods surely??? just like when you get after market leather but from the dealer, its not Fords problem when something happens, responsibility lies between you, the dealer and the third party... Ford the company would tell the dealer to get stuffed its their problem.

I havent had a single problem with Ford service, ok I wasnt happy when it took them a month and a half to fix a faulty tail shaft, but that was due to FOMoCo not having stock and their warehouse being stopped by workcover temporarily, totally not the dealers fault.

I've had a few little issues with my car and my girlfriends XR5T, all problems apart from the tailshaft have been fixed same day with no arguments or hassle. But like I said, this is with Etheridge Ford who I cant compliment enough for their before sales and after sales service.

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  • Member For: 14y 11m 3d
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  • Location: Rockhampton

Hmm... It also goes on what the dealer tells the manufacturer... 400rwkw FG comes in for a blown diff, dealer tells ford its stock. Nobody knows any better...

Goes on where you buy your car from too. If you spend all the local salesmans time and sh*t, then buy out of town for $500 don't expect any favours when it comes to warranty.

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 15d
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  • Location: Cranbourne South Vic

What ever you guys do dont buy anything from Wignall ford

I have had $13.000 yes that is 13 Thousand dollars of Warranty work done on my F6X

The engine failed leaned out and burnt a piston now thay have voided my warranty because they say I missed a service

But my car was in there work shop getting a head gasket done under warranty.

Go Wignall ford good work guys

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 11d
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I have had rear diff bushes replace 3 time had my climate control also done they offer to replace the clutch for me after it sh=t it self on the dyno which I said no too(that was not ford fault) the bolts fell out of the turbo which I had to replace on a trip they have noted it and told me if it make any noise to give them a call

The engine failed leaned out and burnt a piston now thay have voided my warranty because they say I missed a service
you don't even have to have your car service to get any warrant

my car has had just one service done at Ford and that was the 1500km one all the serviceing has been done by me or Peninsula Performance in Bennet st Mornington every 7500km I change oil and filters aswell air and fuel and then spark plugs at 10000km

all I can say is that the guys at Wigall ford in Mornington have been ACE to me they know the car has been tuned


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  • Member For: 16y 1m 15d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Cranbourne South Vic

Wignalls in Mornington I have never delt with a big Pack of F#*kwits in all my life.

One thing I will tell you guys I have a lot of friends that Buy Fords and I have made sure that they dont buy from Wignalls.

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