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Major Problem With Turbo Conversion


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HI Guys,

not sure if this is the right place to post but I have a major problem with my ford ba n/a.

Anyway, we've been doing a conversion for a ford ba n/a

we had completed the conversion, and only thing left was the dump pipe to be made up by the exhaust place.

before the car had the exhaust it would start, and idle normal.

the dump pipe was completed today ( the exhaust guy forgot to make a thread for the O2 sensor) so now I have a dump pipe made

with no thread to fit the O2 sensor.

but the problem is the car when you start it within couple of minutes is chucking out white thick smoke.

it pretty much can cover the street!!!

im not sure what happened because the car was never driven at all!!. so here are what the possible problems I think it might be and need advice/soloutions if possible

* O2 sensor was not connected and dump pipe was made without thread so I cant fit it on have to make one or something could that cause white smoke?

* Turbo is sh*tted? and need to purchase a new turbo?

* headgasket is screwed? how do I check this? car wasnt even driven???!?? just mostly idled.

* boost leak?

its really worrying me as this has really made me stress. it only started smoking once the dump pipe was on but the car was driven from exhaust shop maybe 2 metres down the road then it started smoking huge smounts of smoke. its white.

any ideas guys?

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White smoke is usually water vapor, check your coolent, it may be that its leaking into the engine somehow, maybe head gasket or the coolant feed into the turbo is leaking.

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yeah had a look this morning , seems that the levels are fine, I dont think its water vapour as if it would steam it would clear the air really quickly. but this smoke lingers and then slowly gets thinner and thinner.

so I think its oil, also saw that the drain hose has a loop so it might not be having a right flow into the sump.. hopefully that's it =)

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hrrmmm sounds very familiar with an old conversion I saw a few years back on an AU.

Would idle normally, then if left to idle for 10 mins it would pour white smoke everywhere, after that it poured white smoke all the time.

Turns out the oil drain going into the sump was done incorrectly and the turbo blew the seals :crybaby:

hope it all works out for you mate :spoton:

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Could be an oil feed leek near the turbo / manifold.

Also, It would be easy enough to tap into a dump pipe for an 02 sensor without any real issues...

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Could be an oil feed leek near the turbo / manifold.

Also, It would be easy enough to tap into a dump pipe for an 02 sensor without any real issues...

there is an oil feed leak but that's dropping on the passenger side. one of the adaptors musnt be tightened correctly off the pressure sensor so theres a small leak...

would you know what size drill bit I would need? shud I just get a nut that fits the sensor, drill the hole and using a mig , just weld it on ? and that's it?

is there a certain depth I need to chase for the sensor to read the exhaust gas's?

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hrrmmm sounds very familiar with an old conversion I saw a few years back on an AU.

Would idle normally, then if left to idle for 10 mins it would pour white smoke everywhere, after that it poured white smoke all the time.

Turns out the oil drain going into the sump was done incorrectly and the turbo blew the seals :crybaby:

hope it all works out for you mate :spoton:

that's exactly what its doing OHH sh*t, hope it hasnt blown the seals and its just an overlapse of oil inside the turbo cause the drain pipe has a loop in it, so its not flowing into the sump correctly.

can it blow the seals on idle? worst option would be to replace the turbo or can I tear open the turbo and have a go at doin the seals? =)

=( ...... if so that'd be a real headache to slap on a new turbo.

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Engrish, learn to type it correctly :crybaby:

Back to your problem... Turbo seals are fcuked & need replacing. If the turbo is secondhand, I'd recommend a full recondition.

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:stupid:, sounds like a rebuild to me.

The oil drain line is extremely important and if done incorrectly can cause major issues! where does the drain line go to? I would assume you tapped it into your sump, if so how did you tap it? are you sure your drain lines are big enough?

I do believe replacing the seals is a rebuild, cause once you take the compressor wheel off to get to the seals you need to balance the shaft etc once the compressor wheels back on.

I do believe you can kill the seals even with the car at idle, even at idle the turbo is spinning quite fast which in turn means the bearings are starting to heat up pretty much straight away, but not only heat if the drain is incorrect oil pressure will be building up as well, im sure someone will be on shortly to either back me up or give you their findings :spoton:

At this point I would recommend getting it towed to a mechanic, preferably one that knows turbo's and get them to check it, if something is wrong you dont want to risk any further damage!!! the last thing you want is for something to happen to the turbo and then let it shoot crap into your engine.

good luck with it all mate, let us know how you go

Edited by Rusty XR6T
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