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Fg Eye Lids

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I'm starting to design my own eye lids for my FG XR6T.

This is inspired by Toxic Beasts group buy for the BA/BFs -

If the process turns out OK I'll be offering them to forum members, costing etc is unknown as I am just starting to check viability and feedback now.

Any design ideas you guys have would be great, I will be making the moulds within the next 2 weeks and will do a run of Carbon Fiber and plastic (colour matched to body)to see how they look.

hopefully will have my set done before Christmas and will take requests to be delivered early in the new year.

Feel free to modify the image below with your eye lid ideas.


Edited by Rusty XR6T
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Hey mate, was actually talking about these today. Apparently any headlight modification is illegal. May be worth confirming before you put all the effort in, unless it doesn't bother you then it's all good.

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The problem with angel eyes is they make your entire head light assembly defective as you have modified an oem part, even if electrically disconnected you have a ccfl tube or LED tube stuck inside your head light.

The eye lids I can unclip in half a second and hand to the copper if he so wishes, pulling off my bov or replacing the center muffler might be a bit harder to do on the side of the road though.

Anyway the eye lids aren't done yet and it will be up to the users discretion, the simple way is if you don't want them, don't buy them... Problem solved

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