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Vic Christmas Yarra Ranges Cruise - 2010


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  • All round good guy!
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I think over all, ""birds of a feather", in other words we go on these cruises because we all have the same type of car. That being said, they are public roads so we really can't stop anyone joining in.

I'll mirror what has been written already and say that we are "civilised" as Rusty put it. (Ok, not me, but the rest of you are.) As long as they arent d**ks, they should be fine. That goes to say that none of US are d**ks which I am sure most of you will agree is not 100% accurate all the time lol. :icon_ford:

So I have no prob at this stage.

So just for the list there are an extra 2 plus another 1, am I right?

Edited by Rudiger
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Okay, took advantage of the sunshine Sat morning to wash car (still got bits of road tar streams around the wheel arches from the snowy cruise :shocked: )

No major events or roadworks that I could see from VicRoads cept something around Fernshaw on the Black Spur (but that should be quick to get through)


And prolly suggest you pack a brolly and make sure your tyres are in good condition and likewise your brakes - please guys if your tyres don't have sufficient tread or your brakes need attention - tomorrow is not a good day to head up into the hills (the roads are prolly gonna be wet and they are twisty) - 40% chance of showers.


On a lighter note - there will be a raffle for charity - Salvos - and I'm donating a pair of Ford Performance Racing car rego surrounds (the ones that don't have the clear plastic windows), a Ford Performance Racing piston rod key ring (obviously downsized to fit in your pocket - otherwise wud put a whole new meaning to "is that a piston rod in your pocket or you just happy to see me" :roflmbo: ) and Rudiger is donating something special as well. Tickets will be $5 each or 3 for $10 and it's a good way to help give something back to those less fortunate than us - certainly who have not had a chance to own and drive the sort of cars we have the privilege of doing. We hope you will be charitable :thumbsup:

And I think it's still a Christmas lunch of sorts up the top of Lake Mountain in the bistro there - but we'll see how we go progress wise :beerchug:

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Looking at getting a UHF handheld radio/s, just for cruises, so don't really want to blow a lot of money for something I would use occasionally, any ideas? brand/model/cost?

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  • Cruise Whore
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Prolly anything under $30 wud do. Crap range for tx but wud be okay for rx chatter :thumbsup: Try Tandy or Super Cheap. Under $30 they are mostly noname brands. But Uniden is okay. To be honest the Tricky Dickies I have are pretty good but not sure if all Dick Smiths do CBs nowadays :beerchug:

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Hi everyone.

Just checked on Vic Roads site and no major works scheduled for anywhere near where we are going.

The forecast for tomorrow is schattered showers but I have viewed the synoptic chart for the Vic and SA Coastline and there doesnt appear to be much of a cloud base rolling in so I think while it may be cloudy, we should be ok as far as rain goes.

As fas as the cruise is concerned, its bascialy as listed in the first post.

If we are running on time we will be having lunch on top of Lake Mountain. As mentioned Kiosk/bistro will be open or you can bring some lunch. If people wanna stop an Marysville and grab a bite, feel free to and then just catch up to us on top of Lake Mountain.

As per Garys message, I have obtained an ArmourAll Care bucket worth about $40 to be raffled.

Gotta print off some maps now and I have to say guys, I am quietly pooing myself. I hope you all enjoy the cruise and we all get to Warburton in one peice.

I will ask one thing from everyone though. If at the end of the day you werent happy with something, just PM me rather than keep it to yourself. This is a steep learning curve here. Luckily Gary is an awesome one to follow.

In the morning I will check the weather for over there and see if its pissing down or not. Im still happy if it rains. Others may not be.

See you all at 10.30. :icon_ford:

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  • All round good guy!
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As it stands we have about 20 cars coming.

I have a vague feeling, this is gunna be a GREAT cruise.

Wish me luck peoples.

Rudiger. :3gears:

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