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Superoo Decal Typhoon


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Probably no. If your car is an FPV then you can have FPV , Typhoon and F6 badges or remove them. If you car is a Ford XR6 then NO FPV ORIENTATED BADGES. Sorry for the rant but this and CHEV badges annoy me. These comments are not directed at you as I see you have a Typhoon.

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I was curious about what reactions this would provoke. Not that I applied it to my ECU cover ( its fibreglass from these guys Fibre Sports ) to provoke a reaction, I`ve simply loved that decal since I was 7 yrs old and the XW came out.

I`m all for the simple look, I just thought that one of these decals would look good on there and to me it does.

People put Chev badges on Holdens becuase it looks good. Same reason they put Typhoon body kits on XR6`s I suppose. Who does it hurt?

Short of putting GT-R badges and Jap writing on the Mustang like old mate in the video link there, if it looks good why not?

What is more Australian than the Typhoon I wonder. It has easily the best engine we have ever produced on our own under the bonnet. I don`t think I`m really showing that decal any disrespect.

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Probably no. If your car is an FPV then you can have FPV , Typhoon and F6 badges or remove them. If you car is a Ford XR6 then NO FPV ORIENTATED BADGES. Sorry for the rant but this and CHEV badges annoy me. These comments are not directed at you as I see you have a Typhoon.


Only exception is an XRT with more performance then a Genuine FPV then FPV badges are ok, but IMO all badges look sh*t.

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Not a fan of Fpv kits/ badges on anything but fpv's.

But I let out a huge sigh of relief when a ve comes up behind me chev badges. Rules out any chance of it been an undercover.

Been seeing them on v6 commodores lately and just think WTF is wrong with these kids?

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