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Front Tyre Wear


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Ok so what has to be fixed/modified to make the front tyres on these things (BFii) last on the edge (esp inside) anywhere even remotely close to the centre life of the tyre?

I'm pretty certain this issue is a design flaw. I've only had my BFii for a short period and it's smashing the inside edge in no time. Brothers BF F6 is the same, & his BFii work ute. Not to mention the odd one I've sussed in carparks.

From what I've heard this issue dates back to the BA's, how they cannot fix it many models/years later is beyond me. :buttrock:

So what does one do as it would seem an allignment fixes nothing due to design flaws.

Can anyone recommend I guess a suspension shop in Brisbane that can sort this issue?

At the cost of tyres I'm guessing one would maybe only see 1/2 the life of the tyre, so sorting this to wear/work properly should be worth the investment?


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a proper wheel alignment will fix this there is prevision for shims to be fitted to adjust the camber.

It may reqiure an after market camber kit fitted.

Also you need to have correct tyre pressures 36 to 38 psi in the front.

Doing this I got 60,000 kms out of 18 inch tyres dead flat wear.


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wow, 60,000 is impressive!

At least it sounds like it should be able to be sorted. Little sad thought it does seem to be a standard issue?

Tyres were at 32-34psi when I got it. I've been running up around 40psi, with the am to try get some more of the centre wearing on the road. lol

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With Ford tolerances :buttrock: , each car will be unique displaying slightly different wear characteristics.

I.e. some cars of identical set up, tyres, model and age will get inner edge wear, some won't.

Unfortunately, there a lot of factors at play here (assuming your tyre pressure are spot on and rotated often).

- There a good wheel alignments and bad wheel alignments. Find a good mechanic you can trust that specialises in these cars.

Wholesale Suspension and East Coast Suspension in Sydney are great, but I'm not familiar with qld suspension shops sorry.

It's not only negative camber that causes the wear but the degree of toe as well. If your bushes are worn, the front tyres will shift angle under braking. With such heavy cars, this can affect tyre wear too.

I've been through the whole list and have come to the conclusion that a camber kit may be the only answer for some individuals cars.

Maybe try one of these for your BF:

K-MAC kits to suit Ford Falcon

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There is a suspension guy I used eleventy years ago with an old car, might go see what he thinks/recommends.

Arrrg, I don't wanna hear it 'keeps wearing', there is 60%+ in the middle of the tyres.

I wonder how many cop cars are/were getting around with flogged out tyres? lol

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happened to my car also,, (BA mk1) only the front left wore,, shattered because the tire had heaps of meat still left on it..


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wow, that's bad, almost looks like its on the sidewall!

I have noticed also under braking on some road surfaces it does tramline a bit, which is a sign of poor alignment also.

Will get sorted asap so hopefully I can get at least another 15-20k out of these tyres. grrrrr

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yeah its where the tire starts to bend.. was really soft and see the sidewall cracked right around and ended up leaking.

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That doesn't sound or look like a camber problem, more like incorrect toe or worn bushes in which case it would be impossible to align properly.

Don't think it's a design flow, rears on the other hand do have a major design flow, they wear out quick :):3gears:

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