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Brisbane - Toowoomba Cruise - CANCELLED


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Guest XR09
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There was about half a dozen BA/F's cruising around Montville around noon on Sunday. Looked good.

I either am doing adv road courses or playing with mates every second Sunday on bikes. We leave Noosa bout 8am. Head up to Cooroy, Kenilworth, Mnt Mee then onto sanford pub for lunch or keep going out to Somerset. Usually a few Hundred bikes there at the pub. Usually about a half dozen of us on the ride. We don't go that hard :innocent: as we are mainly fossils :fishin: . But we don't slow down for nothing either. So yeah anyone is welcome.

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  • Sucker
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Sorry...didn't see that one there. Was a bit of a :cleanhouse:

What's the tucker like at the Samford pub these days, last time I was there it was a bit :sick:

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  • Sucker
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Oh and just to clarify a few things, the reason why I have cancelled this completely is I don't want to send you guys out there in case you don't know where your going etc and without someone to lead the pack so to speak. Best to have something properly organised or not at all in my opinion.

And if anyone wants to catch-up still there's a "Sunday Spit Run" thread if you want to see if there's any interest for the Brissy guys to head down the coast this weekend, or throw up ideas in the chat thread, or start a new thread. I'm not the oracle of cruising, I'm just not prepared for this particular cruise to continue for reasons mentioned previously :blaah:

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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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No one can attend if the all mighty one isnt present

Wouldn't that be even more reason to go? :nyaah:

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