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Heat Wrap Cold Side Piping?


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  • Member For: 15y 8m 26d

Hey guys just askin before I try has anyone heat wraped their cold side piping or intake piping to keep exhaust heat from heating the metal/plastic...

reason I ask is after driving my car today I popped the bonnet and where the cold side piping connects to the factory cross over was getting re heated after exiting the intercooler cold! also noticed the stock plastic intake pipe from turbo to cross over was even hoter than the stainless steel cold side was! I would love to get it all ceramic coated but dont have the time any input would be great cheers

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You will always get poor performance from the stock crossover piping. as it runs directly over the turbo and exhaust manifold, even though having heat sheilding the core temprature of the surrounding areas will still be affected. Plastic is a very poor heat reflector, I would recommend changing your intercooler system, but if funds are short or warrenty is present you could either remake the cold side piping and re direct it away from the Exhaust and lying areas.

Note if you still want to use heat wrapping,purchase the thick Plain woolen type but then purchase the reflective heat wrap and layer it ontop of the other as it reflects heat insted of absorbing, but what is not reflected can be absorbed by the underlay.

Either way you will always get poor heat exchange from that setup due to all cold side piping and items sitting on or very near to heated parts. you can only do so much with that setup.

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  • 3 years later...
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Back from the dead!!! Has anybody wrapped their intercooler piping? I have a mate with a decently powered R33 skyline and was talking to him about how bad heat soak is with my stock intercooler and he reckoned heat wrapping all his piping made a massive difference

Something worth trying for a cheap fix till I change the cooler?

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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On my Nissan s15 I ceramic coated my cooler pipes. Don't know if it made much difference but it saved my having to polish the ali pipes :wwww: .

I think you will find it helps quite a bit on hot days with back to back runs! problem with the xr6 piping is like guys have said, they come up and over the top of the engine stock, which is super inefficient. With B series aftermarket piping they make it even worse by going in front of the engine then across over the manifold, excessively long and gets heatsoaked so much ! mine is the chrome HDI kit, and gets too hot too touch even after a normal run. Im vchanging it quick smart to be similar to how my fg was, out of the turbo through the 'cooler then shortest path possible to the intake. probably wont cost much more than wrapping and will do a whole lot more

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  • Member For: 15y 8m 27d

Yeah it probably helps....when it was initially dyno'd it did around 40 runs on a 37 degree day and power didn't drop. I also don't find much difference whether it is a 40 degree day or 4 degree day powerwise either.

However, on a cooler day you can hold the pipes on a hot day they are still untouchable...mainly because the under bonnet temps seem to heatsoak the whole engine bay regardless of their location (I have a highmount turbo on a cast stainless steel ex manifold).

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