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Just Drove The New 335 Gt Supercharged


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Guest XR09
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Kewl QR

What mag do you work for or which ones turn out was it ???

So could the GT be held through turn one ? How did it cope with the bumps on the way in or did he take the inside line through it. (nice to know they were fixed recently...not)

How did it cope with three and how hard was it to turn, modulate and get the power down coming onto the strait.

I have seen a GTS drop its fluids after three laps around there. Most loose the power steering after two lol

In saying that the GTS is a quick car around there once sorted. Any idea of the GT's lap time.

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mate my girlfriend was in the passenger seat at the time. (something you guys have in common) and yes I drove the car, call Peter warren ford sydney and speak with Ashley. I will even send you the email correspondence both leading up to the test drive and after with a quote on both the F6 and the new 335 GT.

so please take your back seat reviews somewhere else no need to arc up like a Passenger. (I mean Girl)

the only thing inconsistent here is your lack of actually driving the car, send me your email address and I will send you all the emails and I might even throw in the dealers contact number so u can call him to verify my BS story, do u also want the phone number of the passenger how about a sworn affidavit.

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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This thread is getting a little too personal.

I can see both sides, but you need to remember 2 things:

1. Cranny did his tests on PUBLIC roads and this is not the best place to test the performance of a car

2. Qiksmurf was a passenger in a car being driven by a professional on a RACETRACK

We are all entitled to our opinions, but do not get personal and call eachother names, or holidays will be given.

Oh and for the record my GT-E will spin the rears everytime I floor it in the dry, as the Dunslop Maxx tyres suck. Since putting the F1 Asymetrics on it is much harder.

The bum-o-meter is not a good way to tell if a car is fast.

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lol got the love the way this thread is developing...

Should rename it to "Flame anyone who has anything negative to say about the new GT 355".

Some people on here must have gone to the beach lately and are yet to wash out all the sand out of their vagina...

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