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Manual Fg Launch Control


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  • Member For: 14y 5m 19d

I read somthing about the manual FG Turbos haveing Launch COntrol. Somthing like in first with the clutch in, floor it and the computer will hold it at 3000rpm, then drop the clutch and the compyter will doo the rest? Fact? Fiction? how do you use it? DSC on or OFF?

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  • Member For: 14y 5m 23d
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Tried it once, exactly as you said, thoigh 3500rpm. With traction on it launches, then bogs down as it does its stuff.

With the traction off, it does the same though all hell seems to break loose as it wheel spins in a cloud of smoke!

There are a couple of youtube vids showing it in action if you search.

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For any of you that bog down, try releasing the clutch a little slower, ride it a bit until it gets going.

In a 2wd car that are the only two options you can get when you quickly release the clutch it will either spin or bog down. What would you expect it to do??? Haven't tried the FG "launch control" but it's common sense.

It's not a proper launch control, it just holds revs and boost so you get power instantly.

Proper launch control would control the throttle and clutch for a perfect take off.

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  • Member For: 14y 5m 23d
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True, I think technically, it is "Launch Assist". As you said, "Launch Control" needs to control all aspects of take off. Take the VW Golfs for example with their DSG gearbox....That does a great job of it.

I think the reason for the FG to do this is that when it is sitting at 3500rpm, it is only running on 4 cyl. the other two are there purely to drive air through to spool up the turbo.

Anyone want to correct me?

I have not been game enough to keep on practicing it....maybe when it is a little older and a little more abused :)

Edited by frogg
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DSG and the likes are essentially an auto box so that's why that works that way ! I slide the clutch in and not just dumping it ! dump it will fight the tcs therefore bog down, slide it in and more traction will happen ! pretty simple when you think of it !

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purely to drive air through to spool up the turbo....

...and fuel I believe so that there's combustion in the exhaust manifold.

But then I'm not 100% sure, real men have torque converters. Hey Rab?


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