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Safety Camera


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  • Member For: 17y 7m 14d
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Guys do the Safety Cameras have a "probationary" period? Do they let them run for a while giving off flashes but not initially sending any fine? Theyre supposed to be digital arent they? So you shouldnt see any flash at all, or is that just for the "red light" function?


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  • Member For: 16y 11m 24d

Like most electrical devices they require testing as part of commissioning. However I wouldn't count on stories in the local paper or ribbon cutting ceremonies by the minister to give an idication as to when its detecting actual offences.

Best person to ask would be DOJ or contacts within Aspect Traffic if your in Vic.

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  • Sucker
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Only one sure way to find out!

I assume you're talking about Sydney? There was talk of using infra-red flashes so if that's the case you wouldn't know I guess.

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 3d
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All the new ones in my area flash for speeding. You can see them going off all the time.

And yes they should have a testing period.

Although with the "safety" cameras they flash so often that they can get same amount of data in a day that used to take a week.

Plus on one street in my area sneaky cun*s dropped the limit to 50 and replaced a red light camera with a safety camera at the same time.

Edited by dule
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  • Member For: 14y 4m 22d
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Because the government makes the rules and they need more money so they want to have the cameras less noticeable to increase revenue.... and what are we going to do about it? As much as we have done over the last 10 years with the proliferation of these revenue raising devices, NOTHING.

It's about friggin time there was a "no more speed camera" party that also advocates increased driver training, greater testing for licences to ensure better standards of drivers and better enforcement of rules around bad driving, not just focusing on speed... will this happen?

Add to that better roads and a more visible police presence to pick up the people hogging the fast lane causing frustration, changing lanes without blinkers and generally driving like absent minded tossers.

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  • Member For: 16y 11m 24d

I'd be interested to hear what a no speed camera's political party would have as policies for maintaining revenue. Face it, without increasing tax for EVERYBODY, or allowing problem gambling to flourish there are limited ways to get the money. It would be nigh on impossible to find efficiencies in spending as practically everything is already privatised these days and there are no government workers left to sack (in Victoria anyway).

I would prefer inattentative drivers who don't have the skill to avoid being detected pay for projects and other things rather than spreading the cost among the general populace.

Its cameras or nothing gets improved, pretty simple economics.

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  • Phantom Menace
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  • Member For: 14y 6m 10d
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There is a probationary period due to testing and calibration, one of these flashed at me as I pulled up to the lights on the GWY westmead a few days after it was installed. Theyre a pretty smart cashcow for the government as its on the section right before it goes from 60 to 80 and when not paying attention ive come close to getting stung by it. If I had a no more speed cameras party id start by asking for each roads camera revenue to go towards maintaining that particular road and into a funding pool for blackspot reduction, and change the locations to actual blackspot areas and intersections.

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