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Poms Back Peddle On Global Warming


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  • It's All In Your Mind
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I wonder what crap the Labour Govt, WWF tin rattlers, Green loonies, Al Gore and the IPCC will come up with to try to counteract this.

It’s the latest in a series of high-profile set-backs suffered by global warming theorists- the UK’s leading scientific body has decided to rewrite its own definitive guide on climate change, now admitting that it is “not known” how much warmer the planet will become.

The Royal Society has released a new guide which outlines a retreat from its former vanguard stance on the threat of climate change and man-made global warming. The decision to update their scientific guide came after 43 of its members complained that the previous versions failed to take into account the opinion of climate change sceptics.

The new guide, entitled ‘Climate change: a summary of the science’, concedes that there are now major ‘uncertainties’ regarding the once sacred ‘scientific consensus’ behind man-made global warming theory, admitting that not only is it impossible to know for sure how the Earth’s climate will change in the future but it cannot possibly know what the effects may be. The 19-page guide states clearly, ’It is not possible to determine exactly how much the Earth will warm or exactly how the climate will change in the future, but careful estimates of potential changes and associated uncertainties have been made”.

The guide continues stating, “There is currently insufficient understanding of the enhanced melting and retreat of the ice sheets on Greenland and West Antarctica to predict exactly how much the rate of sea level rise will increase above that observed in the past century for a given temperature increase”.

In a Sept 20, 2010 article published on the UK Daily Mail, Professor Anthony Kelly, academic advisor to Britain’s Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) explains, ”The previous guidance was discouraging debate rather than encouraging it among knowledgeable people. The new guidance is clearer and a very much better document”.

The decision to revise and tone down its alarmist position on climate change demonstrates a clear u-turn on its previous 2007 climate pamphlet, one which is said to have caused an internal rebellion by the 43 fellows of the Society, triggering a review and subsequent revision. The 2007 publication, which parroted the IPCC’s popular, but misleading impression that the ‘science is settled’ – make way for the new guide which accepts that important questions remain open and uncertainties unresolved. “The Royal Society now also agrees(with us) that the warming trend of the 1980s and 90s has come to a halt in the last 10 years,” said Dr Benny Peiser, the Director of GWPF.

Economic realities and a marked shift in public opinion since last year’s Climategate scandal and failure of the much-hyped UN Copenhagen Summit have triggered a series of falling dominos within the climate change and anthropogenic global warming (AGW) orthodoxy. The Royal Society’s shift also follows last week’s blow to the radical climatist agenda within Britain, where the new Coalition Government announced it will be slashing its Climate Change Department’s budget and folding the former free-standing bureaucracy into the Treasury.

Some analysts also believe that the Society’s new guide does not go far enough. Dr David Whitehouse, the science editor of the GWPF said: “The biggest failing of the new guide is that it dismisses temperature data prior to 1850 as limited and leaves it at that. It would cast a whole new light on today’s warming if the Medieval Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period and the Bronze Age Warm Period were as warm as today, possibility even warmer than today. A thorough discussion of the growing empirical evidence for the global existence of the Medieval Warm Period and its implications would have been a valuable addition to the new report.”

In addition, this retreat by the Royal Society signals a very real trend in climate science circles where political activism is slowly being replaced by a more sober assessment of the scientific evidence and ongoing climate debates.

The Political Fallout

To date, the political activist engine powering climate change has been anchored by an elite circle of scientists, foundations, green journalists, carbon financiers- and politicians looking for a good cause. The fuel for this engine has been supplied by short-term economic opportunities, most of which has been in the form of massive research grants, subsidies and feed-in tariffs(triggering a rise in energy costs to the consumer) by the State and confederate bodies like the UN and the European Union. In the US, problems with climate change inspired instruments like Cap and Trade are more chronic, where North America’s sole carbon trading market, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), has recently been scaled down following a decline in investment and the near complete collapse in carbon emission prices.

As formerly obedient IPCC scientists and insiders gradually break ranks and defect over to the common sense camp, and foundations like the Royal Society reverse their policies on the nature of the climate threat, politicians may lose the once reliable traction they enjoyed when promoting their various green agendas.

This is followed, of course, by the economic reality of any democracy whereby taxpayers cannot really back departments, much less policies, that do not deliver a measured benefit to the public welfare. If the IPCC’s elite chamber of scientists cannot be trusted to objectively measure past global temperatures (actual UN data sets show that there has been no temperature increase since circa 1998), then it goes without saying that politicians cannot build real-world policy catering for a crisis that is not actually happening. The rising tide of scepticism and the reemergence of real scientific analysis will surely spell an end to the innumerable faith-based policies and guesswork forecasting that has plagued the climate change movement to date.

As science gradually makes its way back into line with reality and real world observation, it follows that many of the climate bureaucracies erected since 2000 will stumble as a result. The reason for this phenomenon is spelled out in the basic laws of ‘political physics’; a collapse of the so-called “scientific consensus” comes into direct conflict with one of the main tenets of politics- plausible deniability. When politicians can no longer use scientists as scapegoats, as in “it’s not our fault, they told us CO2 was heating up the planet…”, then the political agenda is all but dead.

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What baffles me is the idiots who apparently voted for Labor for the sole reason that ''they wanted a carbon tax'' facepalm.gif

Even if the global warming fairy tale were true, reducing every bit of pollution this country with its farting cows etc makes, it would have next to no difference on the global pollution scale anyway. (do the math & look at the percentage of pollution which comes from Australia)

Now that it's starting to be exposed as a complete crock o pooh.gif I wonder if people will realise the only reason the government wanted a carbon tax is to fill their pockets.

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I read the other day that they think the warming was due to sunspot effects from the sun. Since 2007, there has been a lack of sunspots, and the temperature has actually cooled.

Labor's only policy tool in this area is to increase tax and say that they have done "something". How dynamic..... :stirthepot: Wonder how the "battlers" are viewing all the price hikes? Did they honestly think that it would be done and that no one was going to pay? Obviously YES.

Oh yeah, companies were just going to pay and not pass it on, and happily reduce their profit. Good understanding of basic economics Bob :buttonit:

The only way that there will be an improvement is if it becomes economically viable to make those changes at the individual and corporate level. The sooner the warm inner glow is replaced by rational thinking the better.

Edited by Smoke them tyres
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  • Sucker
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Even our former australian of the year changed his tune. Have a read of the transcript of interview between Andrew Bolt & Tim Flannery here, it's hilarious!

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The sooner the warm inner glow is replaced by rational thinking the better.

It's not the warm inner glow they think, they are actually copping the high hard one up the poop chute - being raped by scaremongers/money grabbers under the guise of saving the world.

Even our former australian of the year changed his tune. Have a read of the transcript of interview between Andrew Bolt & Tim Flannery here, it's hilarious!

roflmbo.gif Former Australian of the year? Certainly dickhead of the century is more appropriate.

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Even our former australian of the year changed his tune. Have a read of the transcript of interview between Andrew Bolt & Tim Flannery here, it's hilarious!

As funny as it may be to see a normal bloke make an academic twit look like the fools they often are when it comes to the real world, that's Farkin outrageous. So to be Aus of the year you just need to be a money grubbing liar filled with arrogance and self importance. What is happening to this once great land :stirthepot: I shudder when I tthink of how much money Krudd and Pong wasted on this nonsense, and it seems Queen Julia has taken up the cause just as quickly. Of course its all for the benefit of the ordinary Stralyin people. What an international farkin embarrassment

Edited by hypnodoc
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the UK, hmmm glad I left, pity I didnt do it 10yrs earlier ! Australia has some issues but its 10 times the place the UK is for lifestyle ! :huh:

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Hey I'm the first one to admit that I'm not a scientist/mathematician/meteorologist, but I'd like to think that I,m a realist.

Now if you burn X million tonnes of coal/woodchips/gas, most of which is used to heat water or heat materials for industry, on top of, X million barrels of oil every day, in an enclosed area (our atmosphere), is there going to be any effect?

If you light a small combustion fire inside your house does the temperature increase?

Or does it remain constant?

Remember, many years ago, people used to think the sun revolved around our flat planet!

Wait I think I have stumbled across the answer, turn on your air conditioner, set it to 18 C and leave the doors open. That should help, problem solved.

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