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I'm homophobic, so won't do the test! , Sorry gays, .... I mean guys.

Saw a sick (that's sick, literally) show on SBS and nearly puked! Made me feel very uneasy.

I try to be open minded, but I guess I'm too set in my ways. Too old fashioned. It just ain't natural.

Went and saw Mambo Italiano last weekend, wasn't quite what I thought, but it gives the Greeks something to stir up the Italians about now.

Guess I better put on a flak jacket.

I bet monday nights 8.30 channel 10 is your favourite show then with all the boys

but seriously I m 23% <_< *beep*

and that's all dammit

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  • zeke
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Thanks, your comments were appreciated.

Anyway, enough of the philosophy for me now - I'm off for a drive just for the hell of it - and the work waiting for me at home can do just that!


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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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Tricky how "ga y" gets converted automatically to "*beep*"


I really do take offence at your inferrence that the word '*beep*' had any choice into being 'converted'.

'*beep*'s' conversion in this forum was not of it's choosing, '*beep*' did not conciously make the decision to automatically become *beep*, *beep* was guite happy being the frivoulous, merry, lighthearted word it was ordained to be in the English language.

Yes....*beep*'s meaning has been corrupted in the past, most commonly to be a description of those who 'bat for the other team', are prone to nancyism, enjoy 'biting pillows' etc;

But to have been forced to convert to a *beep* when it can also be a word of brightness and brilliance or wanton and licentiousness is a repugnant use of linguistic despotism.

So please before you leap into accusations of concious conversion be aware that *beep* might not have had any say in being anything but what it wants to be and had no say in it's conversion to a *beep*.

Standing up for *beep*'s rights!! :pics:

............I think! :wub:

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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RedHawk ... I was going to lambast you for your last post ... stating that I thought you were an absolute idiot, etc., etc., when it suddenly occured to me that it is ME who is the idiot. :wub:

Right from the outset, I could tell what the post was about and where it was going, and I kept reading regardless ... :cry:

I was compelled, neigh, obliged to finish the read, only to be reassured at the end that my first impressions where in fact correct and that you (and I) are idiots. :cry:

Keep up the good work, ol son ... :sick:

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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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Thankyou......thankyou fellow persuer of things inane. :sick:

Problem is in this Ocean (forum) of the plant Ludicrous the boat (SS Idiot) is getting a tad full, some what overbalasted, oh well it's nice and warm but, all rugged up in our blankets of foolishness. :D

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  • zeke
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I really do take offence at your inferrence that the word '*beep*' had any choice into being 'converted'.

'*beep*'s' conversion in this forum was not of it's choosing, '*beep*' did not conciously make the decision to automatically become *beep*, *beep* was guite happy being the frivoulous, merry, lighthearted word it was ordained to be in the English language.

Yes....*beep*'s meaning has been corrupted in the past, most commonly to be a description of those who 'bat for the other team', are prone to nancyism, enjoy 'biting pillows' etc;

But to have been forced to convert to a *beep* when it can also be a word of brightness and brilliance or wanton and licentiousness is a repugnant use of linguistic despotism.

So please before you leap into accusations of concious conversion be aware that *beep* might not have had any say in being anything but what it wants to be and had no say in it's conversion to a *beep*.

Standing up for *beep*'s rights!! :sick:

............I think! :wub:


I give up. I know when I'm beaten. Just can't argue with a combination of logic, passion and eloquence like that!



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  • Flaccid Member
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  • Location: NOONAMAH, go figure.....



I'm less *beep* than Plonky!

I didn't think anyone could be less *beep* then him...... :D

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  • Flaccid Member
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Zeke, do you feel the same way about paedophiles?

presumably that's "not thier fault" either.......

P.S I am NOT associating Gays with this mob, but your satements raise some interesting questions.

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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Sixfan, at the risk of being flamed again, you ask any paedophile about their 'lifestyle choice' and they will tell you that it is something from within and it can never be changed.

However, those who are not paedophiles (lovers of children) or who engage in pederasty (sexual contact or pleasure with children) would say that their actions are perverted, unnatural and the product of a depraved mind.

So on one hand, the pederast says their actions are an uncontrollable decision and the normal community says that the pederast is a depraved unnatural human being.

Homosexuals say the same thing about their sexual activities and the normal community traditionally would say that homosexuality is an unnatural abominiation.

The big difference is that homosexuals make up a very large proportion of the judiciary, Government and print and visual media and over time their influence has changed the perception of the general community.

Could the same be said if paedophilia was pushed for acceptance by the movers and shakers in Government, Judiciary and print and visual media.

I would submit that over time the general community would also relent to the overwhelming propoganda from the media, the changes in legislature from the Government and favourable decisions for paedophiles from the judiciary.

Paedophilia would be just as accepted then as homosexuality is now!

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