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Power Steering Pulley Noise


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  • Member For: 14y 5m 2d

Started up the TTG today and thought Id pop the hood to check for any further noises comming from the engine bay after my recent ideler pulley and belt replacement and now I hear a very noisey what seems to be a powersteering pulley.

WTF! just changed idler pulley and belt and now this! so annoyed with this vehilce atm..

Is this common on any other Fords?

Can the pulley be replaced or is this a whole assembly unit?



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  • Member For: 19y 5m 10d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth

Hi Kosta with the screwdriver,

Sometimes when you change a drive belt, it can take some time for it to settle in, especially with already worn in components, like your power steering pulley... New belt, new tensioner pulley, old P/S pulley which also happens to be plastic and therefore wears more than, for example, the A/C or crank or alternator pulley. Try rubbing the drive surface of the belt with some Dri-Lube stick and see what happens. A little on the back wont hurt also. If all else fails, get a fresh P/S pulley fitted..

How many kms has the beast travelled?

Mal K

PS Make sure the drive belt tensioner is still good and holding adequate tension!

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  • Member For: 14y 5m 2d

Great, will try this out, I've never head you need to run in a belt, so to speak, but worth a try..

It's going in to Ford to get the High pressure power steering hose replaced, so if it still does it I'll take it back and blame them :D

The old girl has 78K on her now



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