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What Mods Are Illegal?


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He's trying to get it passed but vic has some of the stringest rules in the world in regards to emissions.

Does anyone know the actual relationship between Pod's/Bov's and emissions? The only thing that goes in and out of them is air, how is that bad for the environment?

And on that note how is a Bov venting to atmosphere any different from trucks releasing there air brakes? Which isn't illegal.

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my first ba t had nizpro fmic,plemum,relocated battery,exhaust,piping,and so on. got done buy traffic operations group or as we know them the tog. as they put them if it did not come out of factory like that then it's unroadworthy. there take was did I have a crash test with all that gear on and did it pass. trust me if you get tog they know what there on about no if's or but's about it if it's not factory it's unroadworthy. just keep all your stock stuff and replace if get done.

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  • Phantom Menace
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I remember watching ACA once (dont ask me why I know its low IQ tv) and they had the head of the HW patrol saying exposed pod filters can become airborne flaming missiles in a crash because (and heres were I spat my JD out luaghing) they become soaked with fuel overtime. If your unfortunate enough to be in Sydney most of the HWP guys know whats meant to be under the hood back to front and will tell you as soon as you pop the hood for em what youve changed. It can get frustrating when theres a blitz ive been pulled over 3 times in a single trip from parramatta to penrith, always for a "random" breath test, thankfully ive never been defected as im always polite and straight up with the guys and so far havent had the straight by the books guy yet. Everytime theyve told me if it aint stock its defectable

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just for future reference if anyone wants to read found that

Information regarding intake systems for those interesd is below...

1. Intake systems

Intake systems are designed to ensure that the

correct air/fuel ratio is available to the engine for the

cleanest burn to minimise exhaust emissions.

Systems that provide excess air or fuel can create

high exhaust emissions from the vehicle. Fuel or

other hydrocarbon vapour that escapes as

evaporative emissions can lead to the formation of

photochemical smog.

Replacement air cleaners are permitted provided

that they have all connections and systems present

on the original air cleaner and operate in an

identical manner.

(a) Open element or pod type air cleaners on

carburetted vehicles are not permitted.

(b) Dry element pod type air cleaners are

permitted on EFI vehicles. Oiled, oil-soaked or

fluid-treated elements are not permitted. Any

sensors integral to the original system must

be retrofitted to the same approximate


© Intercoolers that are larger than standard or

have a different mounting location or are

added where none were originally fitted, are

permitted only if no other changes to the

intake system have been made. In other

words, you may have a pod filter or

modified/added intercooler, but not both.

Any sensors integral to the original intercooler

or intake system must be retrofitted and be in

the correct location.

Note: aftermarket turbocharging kits that

include intercoolers that have been type

tested (ADR certified) for the model vehicle

are permitted. Documentary proof must be

retained to substantiate this.

(d) Airflow meters must not be disconnected.

They may be relocated, provided they are

functionally equivalent and are in the same

approximate location.

(e) Modified or aftermarket plenum chambers or

throttle bodies are not permitted.

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Does anyone know the actual relationship between Pod's/Bov's and emissions? The only thing that goes in and out of them is air, how is that bad for the environment?

And on that note how is a Bov venting to atmosphere any different from trucks releasing there air brakes? Which isn't illegal.

On some cars, 200's for example, they run a mass air flow meter, and the fuel is metered to suit that particular volume of air. If you discharge some of that air after it has been measured by the mass air flow meter, the car will run rich. that's what the boys dont like.

It is a well known fact that the trucks on todays roads, their braking system doesnt have any combustible fuel running through the lines, hence the boys not worrying bout the air discharging to the atmosphere.

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