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What Mods Are Illegal?


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Im not sure but nizpro have spent the money and done the research to keep it all legal.

Doesanyonehave a copy of where it says 1 intake/1exhaust mod? sounds like something vague and made up more like an urban myth.

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Yeh I've heard that rule for years. Especially when all my mates had imports on P plates

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I hate to break it to you Henz, but you have the same chance of being defected with the Nizpro EPA gear as would with ebay gear.

While it may be EPA approved, it needs to be approved by an engineer and even then they can still defect you.

Unfortunatly the RTA and police are not accountable for proof of a mod being illegal. They just fill out the form and put a yellow sticker on the windscreen.

It is up to you to have it cleared. Pulling out an engineers certificat may reduce the chances, but cops do not seem to care.

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Ive heard it, but when I got pulled over with an exposed pod, plenum, fmic etc, copper didnt care but did epa me lol.

Pod filters are meant to be legal as long as there boxed or braced.

Having a bigger FMIC shouldnt matter on a T as they have them stock, were as imports nearly all have side mounts and require holes for piping.

Yes, people have been EPAd with Nizpro gear, but your garunteed to pass the Test, where as no one else garuntees this, and with the time frame they give you to passthe piece of mind is worth it.

Afterpassing the EPA test once, you then have the slip of paper to showthe next officer.

Edited by Dagabond
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big front mounts can affect the way the air bag sensor that sits below the bonnet latch works in a head on , also it's like putting a big brace across the engineered crumple zones.I have been told this when quizzing an engineer about approving mods on my BA

This won't stop me doing it myself but something to keep in mind

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Cops will defect for any reason. When I had my 180SX, which was a relatively stock car, I got defected for my gear knob and steering wheel. Both these came with the car when I bought it, and because they weren't factory it was a defect. Unbelievable, I could maybe understand the steering wheel (it was a genuine MOMO mind you, so I doubt it was unsafe), but a gear knob??!!

It all comes down to the cops attitude, and your attitude.

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As Henz said,if you get the full stg2 kit and dont mix match bits your fine. If you put exhaust etc on then your not as it wasnt complied with the exhaust. I know quite a few people that have been pulled for inspection and have passed with the whole kit in tact and receive a certificate to prove so. Theirs still alot of doubters out there but it is fact. And just to throw it out there,Nizpro are now working on full adr compliant FG kits including exhaust. Costs more but proves to be beneficial in the end. Oh and this doesnt mean they wont give you a defect notice or you wont get a epa letter in the mail,It just means if you do need to get it tested to clear a defect etc it will pass.

Edited by ebxmple
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I think that Nizpoo has had they're kits engineered and do offer that to anyone who buys their kits at an extra cost. same as APS, who've ADR'ed they're exhausts and cooler kits...

bottom line, they will defect you if they want to, regardless of whether the car is legal or not, just to "teach you a lesson" I've heard of people being defected for having a too loose handbrake!

remember everyone, if you're a car enthusiast in Australia then you're a HOON and thus worst then a murderer or child rapist.

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