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First Ever F6!


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  • Member For: 14y 6m 23d
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  • Location: Perth, WA

Hi guys and gals!

I'm also yet another newcomer to this forum! I have tried other ford forums out there, but none that have the amount of info and as many posts as you guys! so I'm really happy to be here!

This is my first ever high performance car, and what a car to start with! never have I driven anything that is not only so powerful, but handles like a soviet missile on train tracks! I just have to say what an amazing, beautiful car this is, and I very much look forward to driving this, for the next 10+ years..at least! car is still pretty much stock standard, with the exception of a HID kit fitted last week, and rust prevention, and that's about it! I have plans to fit some speakers and some subbly wooflers to go boom in the next few weeks, so watch this space for some pics!

I am located in Perth WA, and can't wait for the first cruise I can participate in, and check out some other member's rides!

but I know what you're all waiting for..some pics, so here are some!





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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Welcome Yoz. Lovely choice - we'll see you on a cruise!

One thing - hope your HIDs are correctly aimed for other cars, massively annoying at night in the rear view! Get a qualified shop to check it if you're not certain. Looks and functionality.

Make sure you take it to the plex when it opens again in a few months! See what it can pull on the 1/4.

Oh and don't baby it or it will learn bad habits and go slower when run in :):spoton:

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  • Member For: 14y 6m 23d
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  • Location: Perth, WA

Thanks for the welcome guys!

and yes, the HID's are quite bright, so I'll have to take a look at tweaking them so they're not pointing in other driver's eyes!

and I'll def be there on Sept 1 to see how she goes down the black strip! hope that simon will be there with his massive HP in his F6, would love to see that puppy in action!

The dealer told me to be kinda gentle with it for the first 1500kms, but now that its over that, I've been giving it a bit of stick, and found she has learnt some nasty habits! she is a bit laggish in second, I.e drops down the revs from about 2500 back to 2000 even in performance/manual, before it ramps up again. but I think that is mainly due to driving it on suburban streets, having only 60kmph to go up to in second or officer plod will get me! haha!

but hopefully a good run this weekend will get rid of those ugly gear changes!


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  • Member For: 16y 6m
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  • Location: Perth | Busselton

Nice rig... Take it on the freeway or highways and do some starts from scratch in the emergency lane :buttrock:

They cant bust ya for getting to the speed limit in a hurry (as long as you keep the tail straight)

Might see ya at the plex on Sept 1 - Im aiming to get there (weather permitting) would like to check out your HID's!

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  • Sucker
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Oops, just made a mess :buttrock:

That is a sensational beast you've got there :wub: Slight improvement over its replacement!


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 17y 3m 7d
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  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

Drive in manual mode! I get annoyed by auto sometimes, like at give way signs where I'm turning. It drops to second while I'm slowing to an almost stop, then as I accelerate and turn it drops to first mid corner. If you don't realise and give it more stick as it's taking off slowly in second, and it shifts to first...not a good look. Having said that I don't drive it hard in D mode (when I rarely use it) so it's probably learned to be a slug.

Good to know you'll aim the HIDs. Should have a very sharp line of light at the top edge, saw that on an accord or something with factory HIDs shining on the rear of another car, shows that they can be aimed very precisely, I was impressed. Have read people grumbling you need "projector" style headlights for HID globes, not sure what the other normal type is.

I might see you there as I will be tuned by the time it reopens and looking to see what sort of improvement I get!

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