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Camber Kits..


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Picked it up sat arvo, and they said in the alignment they did they adjusted the toe, bla bla bla, but said I do need a camber kit to fix up the camber issue.. He couldnt call his supplier but from memory he said it was around $350 fitted..

I did some research on this forum and Senna's mob, sells camber kits for $100, will obviously need 2 kits for both rears..

Im starting to think that its more than just a camber kit though, as the ride is very average... need a goos suspension place to have a look at it. I've been to Pedders for their checkup a while ago and they gave it the all clear??

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As far as I am aware, I have been in there and done it, you can only adjust the rear camber on XR Falcons by a few methods. One being to install an adjustable upper control arm and I assume they must be available, or you could get one custom made, and that could be done at some exhorbatant price by an engineer etc (never seen this done by they way).

Or. You have some minimal adjustment (only on the XR's) on the outer end (the bush end attached to the rear hub) of the rear upper control arm.

Having done the above and if you still require further adjustment you can install an offset upper inner control arm bush (SuperPro Part number SPF2413K) which provides about 1.5 degrees of extra camber adjustment. An hours work, you need a press to install the bush in the control arm. (I have one of those bushes, brand new, as I didn't need it because I only had to do one side of my BA).

If there is any other method of adjusting the reat camber on a BA BF XR Falcon I would be interested in seeing how it would be done?


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G'day guys

Just ordered adjustable upper arms from Nolathane $482 rrp.

Along with all the other Nolathane stuff she'll be nice and tight and wont chop out the tyres anymore :D



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http://www.nolathane.com.au/product_detail.php?part_number=46909 (Link to the adjustable upper rear control arms)

Just how bad is the camber adjustment on your rear wheels?

Mine is sitting on SSL springs at the rear and only one side of my car was out by 1.5 degree (tore the inside of the tyre up as a consequence). Fitted the SupePro offset eccentric bush and took care of that problem in an hour for $75.00 as I had to buy a set of them (both sides).

What is the camber and toe readings of your rear wheels?

I haven't needed an alignment for yonks so I don't have any of my old readings but I think I ended up with -1 degree camber (negative one) from the problem setting of -2.25 degrees (negative 2.25). And the -2.25 was noticeable when seen from the rear. The SSL springs went in and you could visually tell it was waaaay too much negative camber when it came off the jacks.

Anyone else have any major issues with rear camber settings?

Edited by xr6greg
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  • Member For: 16y 3m 30d
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I'm having the same problem of chopping out the inside of the tyres. Rear worse than front.

I have full alignment specs if anyone is interested - working on a post soon.



Edited by Chris and Liza
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