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Fixed Speed Camera


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Guys I drove passed a fixed safety camera on Silverwater Rd Silverwater M4 on Ramp and I was possibly doing somewhere between 60 and 75KPH in a 60KPH zone (was not looking at my speedo)...but I noticed the camera didnt flash.

Anyone know if these new fixed safety cameras use a flash or do they also use infared technology like the new mobile speed cameras they are using in NSW at the moment...

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Some do not flash visable light, but instead use IR flash.

The new cameras all use IR now, so I hope for your sake it was not working.

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Yeah that's what I was told when I rung the RTA...they told me some flash others don't...usually they change them to infared on a complaint basis...as in if enough people complain about the flash affecting their driving then they go out and change them to infared...When I asked them about the one on the Silverwater Rd M4 Eastbound entry they said they didnt know...but they also said that safety camera had been there for a while and was in full operation (not test mode etc...)....Even though its always been a red light camera I have only noticed that it had become a safety camera recently as in the last couple of weeks...

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Look at it from the bright side, now that the process is automatic you should get a fine in few days if it does work. Don't have to wait for a month any more... :)

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tab Moderator edited a topic title: (ID: 69564) from 'Fixed Safety Camera' to 'Fixed Speed Camera' A minute ago

Sorry :blush: Seeing the term 'safety camera' sends me all Buf-Phoon like :nuts:

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I think all these cameras tend to take the focus away from actually driving and onto your speedo I know that you shouldnt speed etc...and you should be aware and I dont usually speed and I am usually 100% focused on my driving but I dont think you should be punished for a momentary increase in speed...the real danger is those people who are on the road and are not aware of their surroundings or anything for that matter...such as the people that hog the right lane of a 110kph freeway doing 80kph...its like HOW DID YOU GET YOUR LICENCE...or people who dont indicate at roundabouts...or people who do rediculous speeds etc...I really think these new safety cameras and the new mobile ones will catch out allot of people who are pretty much always generally doing the right

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The fixed cameras on the Ring Road in Melbourne do not flash 1 bit.

I got a fine for 107 in a 100 zone and the time was 5.20am. Was driving to the Airport.

I am from QLD and had no idea there were cameras on the rd and definetly did not see a flash.

Sp if these cameras are new in NSW, theres a good chance they dont flash either.

The sneeky bastards down here hide them behind the normal Green road signs, and they nab you as you go under them.

No warning signs

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