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Zf Wont Shift Up!


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Further to my post tax cheque issues - car now has unique markings down the side thanks to my visiting mother rubbing it up against a pole. ouch.....

Maybe I'm not meant to have nice things... Anyway anyone else have any ideas on my transmission? I will get it serviced while I am getting it repaired, but anything in the meantime would useful.




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Dude that sucks, Oh well maybe things start looking up. I think the best thing for you would be to do a full service on the Auto including a new pan and filter. I think the going rate is around 400-900 depending on what needs to be done.

What ever you do dont let fraud touch it.

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Christ! You poor bloke. I almost let a workmate drive my car today, but didn't have to at the last minute. I'd be SPEWING if someone did that to my car!

Best of luck to you from here on in!

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi all, thought I would post a followup to my problem as I believe I figured out what the issue is (not proven yet though).

I took my car to a recommended transmission shop in Blacktown and the guy took it for a test drive, booted it here and there and basically said that he needs to do live data logging to figure out where the communication breakdown is that is not telling my transmission to shift correctly. The problem though was his gear was off getting fixed so we wouldn't be able to do it for a month or so. He did though say that before I left he would give his good friend who works at Ford a call to see if they had any similar instances of this occurring. (mind you I took it Ford myself and they said definitely No).

Anyway he gives his mate a call and tells him the problem listens for a second, walks around the car and says Yup, Great and hangs up.

About 2-3 months ago I put a new set of 19" FPV F6 Typhoon replicas on the car and on day 2 my wife hits a pot hole at speed and damages the rim beyond repair. Since then I have been trying everything I can to find a replacement rim with no luck so have had the spare on the front left. The diameter between the two wheels are extremely close.

Apparently the Ford tech told the transmission shop guy that they have had a few instances where the ZF doesn't shift correctly when there are slight diameter differences between a wheel on the front and back of the vehicle. He said that a fella put a different brand of tyres on the back of his car (same size, profile, etc) and that was enough for this problem to start occurring.

So plan is to either find a replacement wheel or go out and buy a new set and see if that fixes the problem. Bloody hope so!

Will keep you guys updated.


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May not be your problem BUT the ZF is very smart and it monitors all 4 wheels and from the data collected will manipulate all gear changes and as such can hold a gear when you think it shouldn’t.

Before you blame the transmission make sure all other inputs are correct including the rolling circumference of all 4 wheels.

For example with crap tires on and excessive wheel spin (HP Required) will stop certain upshifts at WOT!! Typically 3rd and above….A decent set of tires that grip will eliminate the gear hold and allow it to upshift.

The transmission is simply playing safe as the speed of the front tire is less than the rear tires so it assumes your driving in slippery conditions so its reluctant at WOT to hand you another gear.

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gee mate feel sorry for ya with all this bad luck.

good luck getting the auto sorted, sounds like its all abit of a stuff around.

maybe put the stock rims back on to eliminate the wheel sizes problem, and maybe get genuine rims, im not a fan of replicas.just my opinion.

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