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How Will You Vote On August 21St ?



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Guest XR09
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Ive always found the ranga's a bit on the smelly side.

Funny really. First Labor stashes Krudd in Noosa. Then they send him overseas as they call the election. Pitty Lorry wont name his source.

They have broken every electoral promise they made or farked them totally up. And moved so far away from being what Labor stands for. Us the blue collar battlers. Health, education and welfare.

But she will get back in unfortunately. With the smallest of margins. So we will be back at the polls in another two years with big Joe running the opposition.


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  • loitering with intent
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Dag's we all make mistakes just like Goosers Mum

I am so raw from batting off to Julia pornturboboink.gif you should see the scene where Wayne Sporn gets airborne

from the dishwasher. He was moving forwards.The look on Kevs face . priceless

My mind is made up.

Dags you wont find it . I can send you the DVD howeveromg1.gif

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It's a fact 30-40% people on here will always vote liberal no matter what, you are just as bad as those idiots who vote labor no matter what, imagine if everyone did the same thing?

Now last few years from my point of view... labor has gotten us through the economic crisis being the only developed nation not to go in to recession, but to be fair they managed to do so because we had money in the coffers left over from Johnie. Some people didn't agree with spending and going in to debt to stimulate economy, worlds biggest economies were doing the same thing so who the f*ck am I to say they were all wrong? The only problem I have with it is that a lot of money was wasted, now all that spending was never going to be efficient but things like $400.000 for one class room piss me off a lot and there was a lot of that going on.

What I saw from the federal opposition in the last few years was nothing but opposing things, all they f*cking did was oppose every single thing labor did/wanted to do without offering their alternative, if you want us to vote for you you need to show us you would do a better job, only opposing doesn't cut it.

Current situation.... I don't agree with the way Rud was kicked out (regardless of how good or not he was) plus I don't like the renga, didn't like her before either. I honestly think Abbot is a nut case, even back when he was a health minister.

So now I got a problem, I don't want to vote for any of the two but who the f*ck do I vote for instead? Might have to be an independent or just do eeny, meeny, miny, moe... Any suggestions???

And to make you libs slightly happier :), NSW labor needs to go ASAP, they have been in power WAY to long and that's why we have soooo much corruption on all levels.

And sorry about the long post...

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It's a fact 30-40% people on here will always vote liberal no matter what, you are just as bad as those idiots who vote labor no matter what, imagine if everyone did the same thing?

Now last few years from my point of view... labor has gotten us through the economic crisis being the only developed nation not to go in to recession, but to be fair they managed to do so because we had money in the coffers left over from Johnie. Some people didn't agree with spending and going in to debt to stimulate economy, worlds biggest economies were doing the same thing so who the f*ck am I to say they were all wrong? The only problem I have with it is that a lot of money was wasted, now all that spending was never going to be efficient but things like $400.000 for one class room piss me off a lot and there was a lot of that going on.

What I saw from the federal opposition in the last few years was nothing but opposing things, all they f*cking did was oppose every single thing labor did/wanted to do without offering their alternative, if you want us to vote for you you need to show us you would do a better job, only opposing doesn't cut it.

Current situation.... I don't agree with the way Rud was kicked out (regardless of how good or not he was) plus I don't like the renga, didn't like her before either. I honestly think Abbot is a nut case, even back when he was a health minister.

So now I got a problem, I don't want to vote for any of the two but who the f*ck do I vote for instead? Might have to be an independent or just do eeny, meeny, miny, moe... Any suggestions???

And to make you libs slightly happier :), NSW labor needs to go ASAP, they have been in power WAY to long and that's why we have soooo much corruption on all levels.

And sorry about the long post...

Mate you really think labor got us though the recession well geuss what you and many others are wrong.

The recession in australia is only just starting to hit start looking in the small towns and than some of the bigger ones.

Also the retailers are starting to lay off staff.

I live in a small town that has lots of different industries guess what cant get a job they are laying off people everywhere.

There is no money left in the australian economy so what are labor going to do now.

We are about to go down and down hard so if labor get back in expect very hard times ahead.


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you are just as bad as those idiots who vote...

or just do eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

Oh the irony. Everyone else are idiots, but not you wasting a vote. There's a reason why it's referred to a donkey vote. :msm:

At the end of the day they're all crooks, but it's a shame that most of the voters can't see past all the bullsh*t and spin to pick out who they actually most agree with. Usually that will mean people aligning themselves with the ideas of a particular party even if they are not in full agreeance with every single policy.

Yes Labor has done some good in their term, but fck me they have done some horrendously bad things that will take many years to undo. And that's the job of a conservative party IMO.

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  • loitering with intent
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Dule, a most ebullient postbb.gif It's about numbers.

A deal has now been done with Green preferencescrybaby.gif

A party for the people ?

Use the sharp pencil on the voting slip, Iv'e broken 7 just practicing

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dule, your view on the Labor government keeping us out of recession is missguided.

The main reason we have survived, is the Liberals had spent 10 years paying off the massive debt that the Hawke/Keeting era had racked up.

We had a very low debt for a country thanks to the Liberals being tight on spending.

The labor plan to stop recession was to p!ss the money away, by handing out money for plasmas and pokies to "stimulate" the economy.

Essentially 8 BILLION dollars was wasted in handouts to people who could spend it anyways they wanted. They then wasted another 2 BILLION on insulation and now a further 17 BILLION on building overpriced school buildings. We have not even heard much about the hotwater scam or the green loans, that have both been roorted and abused by everyone.

The Labor government is like a kid with a credit card and no limit. They will continue to rack up a massive bill and then leave it to US to payback. Our children will be lucky if they can payback the debt that Krudd and the Ranga have managed to rack up in 3 years.

This current government is traveling alot like the Whitlam era, writing cheques that we cannot afford.

If the government had put the money to a good use, like infrastructure, transport or anything tangable, I would understand it, but no it is just being wasted :msm:


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