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How Will You Vote On August 21St ?



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Dont forget all the NSW people its your fault labour got in :verysad: . Just because yas cant play Rugby League dosnt mean yas can wreck our qovernment LOL. :crybaby:

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To be fair, the Coalition hadn't exactly done farmers any big favours when they were in either. Their big free trade agreement with the US led to elimination of many import tariffs which disadvantaged aussie farmers as the sepo farmers are subsidised to the ball bag. This also led to Biosecurity Australia being encouraged to water down quarantine restrictions on importing of fruit and veges. Goldie would probably know already living in Stanthorpe, but just look at fire blight in apples for example, the pressure to allow them to be imported by the US, NZ, China and our ever so farmer-friendly chain stores will mean our tough restrictions will soon be eased and we'll soon be importing apples from coutries where fire blight is prevalent, risking it coming here and if it does it will wipe out the industry altogether. All a result of typical government f*cktards who care more about the almighty dollar than its own people.

Now that I think about it, I'm actually excited that Ronald McDonald got back the Prime Ministership. Now I can look forward to broadband internet so fast that I'll be able to perform open heart surgery in my own lounge room while watching how it's done live in a hospital in Bumf*ck Idaho despite the connection costing a sh*tload more than my current ADSL2+, I'll get to see the Government paid for all the resources that "every Australian owns" that all the mining companies which my super is invested in are digging up and currently making my retirement fund with, and I'll be so lucky enough to pay more for pretty much everything from electricity to McMighty McAngus burgers to frozen cokes at the movies through the climate change taxes so that the weather all over the world will instantly go back on command to the way it was before Al Gore decided to make a crapload of money out of some mockumentary. It's a brave new world, and I'm so glad my fellow Australians had more foresight than I did to vote these cheesedicks back in.

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all I can say is I am dissapointed in how this country is turning out. wish the average joe could have a say these days.... oh wait isnt that what an election is? the one with the most votes doesn't win now????

I dont know much about politics, or how a government should be run, but all I see these days is police out upholding the fund raising, state and federal govt raping the cash cow, putting us more into debt, quick fix orientated, lowering import customs (steve irwin would be turning in his grave)!!! and just reding this thread and others on politics on this site alone, you could name hundreds more. and this is a car enthusiest site!


when is the critical point going to come? when will the average joes of Aust say enoughs enough? or will that day never come?

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  • Sucker
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Well said ubute and boosted :buttrock:

Politics is all about winning the next election to keep yourself in a job, hardly any of them from any political persuasion seem to look past that. As much as they boast about "what's good for the country" they really don't give a rat's arse.

If we went in to a massive amount of debt for something good then it'd easily be justified. Something inspirational like massive roadworks and infrastructure, high speed rail etc... But what have we got instead, insulated houses and overpriced school halls. Yippee.

Doubt there will ever be that critical point, "we" are far too stupid and ignorant to see what's actually going on.

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Since when did the Labor government get back into phone and broadband anyway ???? Remember who sold off Telstra to the people... How many lost their retirement packages because of them selling it off. The books were independently audited and found to be grossly overweight. The share price fell by over 50% And not just once. Think T1 T2 T3.... Fool me once, I'm an idiot... fool me twice and um ah har har.

How the hell can they offer broadband when they are not even in the bloody system. They don't own the exchanges or towers. The councils own the pits and that is it. The whole shanbangabang will be tendered out to the lowest bidder who will increase charges and cut corners to make up for the loss they make tendering so low to get it. Seriously it makes me sick.

When the people are afraid of the government its called tyranny. When the government is afraid of the people its called liberty. Think it was Thomas Jefferson who said that... not sure but it is so true.

As for Bob Katter... mate don't just go off the bites the media gives you. His family has stood for and represented the Aussie battler for many generations and he may well be mad.... but he is one of the best of the whole bad bunch. At least he Will have a go for us and not his own seat and pocket.

And now here we are less than a day with a gov elect and its looking shaky as a straw hut. Bob Brown will get the sooks and stall the country to a halt. Windsor is so out of his depth. Oaksh*t is just a gay crossdressing fool who should never have been voted to council let alone fedral.

August next year I reckon. Back to the polls. Hope they at least give us a decent sausage sizzlw.

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Well said ubute and boosted bowdown.gif


Hopefully after 3 more years of this sh*t even the most braindead of people will have learnt their lesson and do the right thing next time.

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As far as NBN is conserned, it can be a good thing for the country, but not if the Government has anything to do with it. They would be far better using up the 1000's of KM of dark fibre already laying in the ground than pay a sh*teload to relay able ontop of the other stuff.

Putting together the top 10 ISP's to create the NBN for about 70% less than the $43Bil Labor say it would cost if a far more realistic choice. The biggest obsticle is Telstra they own the pits where the NBN Fbire needs to run. Having an equal access price for all ISP's will make me a rich man, as I have to pay alot more for last mile access thanks to the Telstra Monopoly. NBN will atleast give me even footing with the big boys. Personally I do not see it happening anytime soon as Labor will most likely lay the fibre using unskilled labour and cause many fires, or huge cost overuns by employing consultants.

As for why the city needs faster broadband, well we have most businesses, government departments, hospitals, population and demands. There is no reason the bush would need anything more than 10Mbps, and this can be delivered using Wireless. Having two independants now dictating the NBN rollout is a joke. Why not deliver the service based on population density ? Hangon that would be common sence, but no, now they will be running fibre out to woopwoop to give a farmer faster porn access. It will be 5 years before we see NBN in Sydney suburbs!!!


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Old style rampant nepotism will be how I will remember this most recent decision on the NBN.

It staggers me that these 2 "independent" non techie cheeseheads can say that they arrived at a valid informed decision. Windsor can't even operate a PC apparently. Oh yeah.....

NFI of technical matters (previous learning/knowledge) + taking all your current advice from others who have NFI (minimal knowledge boost in as few hours as possible)= valid decision. WTF?????

Then Conroy tries to say that it will have minimal impact on the viability of the NBN by delaying the run out to the most profitable areas.

Clearly, they are all in the swamp. What other possible outcome can it have than an "evolving" or rolled out DEBACLE.

More and more people are now coming out and expressing concerns. Where the hell were they prior to the election? Vested interests as you say.

You have expressed your concerns pre and post election. Now that is an opinion I would rely on.

Edited by Smoke them tyres
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  • Sucker
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Dunno if it has been previously mentioned in here or not, but old-mate Windsor doesn't know how to use a computer. Boasts about not having one on his desk.

Yet one of his key factors for supporting the Labor government was the NBN. Real comforting stuff that. :sofa:

edit...what he said :buttrock:

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