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Miles Is In!


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Yeah, my car is finally in. Got it tuned about a month ago, but been away and not able to drive it for the last 3 weeks.

The new found power is insane. Been basically "putting" around most of the day, just building boost and backing off listening to the dose. Haha frickin loud. But went to the shops before and and had a clear bit of road, I shifted it into manual and floored it and instantly went sideways. I reckon it'll take me a while to get used to it. :dontknow::dontknow:

Ok, so the car is an 07 BF Mk2 Typhoon. It's got the ZF 6 speed auto. Mods started with a nizpro stage 1 plus kit which was good for around 290rwkw.

Now it's got: - Nizpro Cooler

- Nizpro Drilled Injectors (72lb I think)

- Nizpro ported turbine housing with 12 pound actuator, 38mm flapper valve.

- Nizpro Plenum with all the throttlebody relocation sh*t

- Process West 6" Race Intake

- Process west Surge Tank and Bosch 044 Fuel Pump

- SMB 4" Dump to 3.5" tapered exhaust 5" Metal Substrate cat.

What this setup gives me at the moment is 377.6 rwkw and 1104nm of torque. The power could have been pushed further but I would need to replace my valve springs. But thought I wouldn't worry about it for now in case the bug bites again and I go for a built engine with more power.

Credit to Kev and Process west, his gear looks good and performs great. His race intake sounds awesome too. It sounds like it's gunna suck in people off the street.

Nizpro gear seems to be the goods also, but they take forever to get parts. I waited 2 months for a sedan exhaust before I got the sh*ts and decided to buy the SMB. Which I've been having a few problems with the fitament. Took ages for my change over turbo as well.

Now the exhaust, They supplied the wrong cat which was too short, then supplied an adapter which made it too long... I gotta get on there case and try to get another part to make it fit properly, which is a shame, the quality of the welds and the exhaust looks really good, but because they supplied the wrong part on 2 occasions which makes it fit like sh*t it makes there gear not seem so great. And the Cat hangs lower than my sideskirts... :stupid:

But exhaust problems aside This level of power is crazy as most of you other people with this power level know. But when you read about other peoples cars making 400 - 500+ rwkw 300 odd doesnt seem like a lot. But trust me, it's fuggin insane. Best australian made car ever. :3gears:

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Aitkenvale Auto and dyno. and 17ish psi.

I got another tune with 360rwkw 1060nm with 16 pound.

You from the ville as well 4ordt?

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Hey miles I have a fg I'm thinking of taking to aitkenvale auto dyno soon. Looking at getting 320 rwkw hopefully, with a cai, intercooler, injectors, exhaust and a tune.

I hear they are meant to be the best in t'ville for fords.

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Yeah, looks to me like they are doing more and more fords in there all the time. They seem pretty good, I'm happy with the results I've gotten from them.

In fact there was a blue FG in there getting tuned yesterday. I spoke to Thomas, and he said that the FG xr6 turbos were good for 320 -330 rwkw max. If you want more you have to upgrade the turbo. FG F6 will go further though.

They are in the nizpro alliance and have been trained by nizpro on the fords I think. And I think mine has gotten some pretty good results from them.

Yeah, I reckon they would be the best in townsville for fords. I wouldn't have taken my car there otherwise.

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have also heard good results out of aitkenvale auto, one of the tully boys took his fg there when the nizpro 4" zorst came out.

yours looks like a sweet ride Miles

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