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How To Do A Successful Run?

Panda Eyes

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utes are light over the rear wheels, or no independant rear? :beerchug:

(its also a ute so bit light in the back).

Why do people think the utes are light in the rear? They are heavier than the sedans! They run solid rear axles and longer wheelbases and extra chassis stuff to carry a load. Both times I've had mine on a weighbridge it was 1.95T and 1.99T (1 and 2 passenger's respectively). These aren't light vehicles.

Also, I don't see a lot of advantages of IRS over Solid rear axle during a straight line drag, unless someone wants to correct me? Setup right, I would think the utes would be just as fast as the sedan out of the hole, but run a slightly stiffer shock/spring setup in the rear.

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Wiener, it'll be something me and Mick play around with next year, but yes factory ecu on bf2, tuned with XCAL 3

I'll do a write up next year when Calders open and I can have a proper play.

The idea of it is basically to hold the revs where I want then, instead of hunting revs will I stage.

Will also be trying lower tyre pressures somewhere between 20-25.

I still wanna know how these manual guys get 1.6-1.7 60fts, and how the other manual guys shift. I just shift normally.

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Street tyres on 13psi? :bangcomputer:

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Any more tips for those of us with a 3rd pedal?

I am far from an expert but have had some success in a manual. the way I do it is as follows and it works for me:

- as mentioned by all the other guys everything off T/C etc.

- bring the revs up a bit before the burnout & make sure oil prressure is good and depending on the timeframe between runs I dont go silly in the burnout (I.e first few runs have a bigger burnout than the later runs when the tyres are good and warm)

- stage up and bring the revs up to about 4000-4500 depending on how the track is

- as the third orange light comes on I start to let the clutch out and feed it some more throttle, I dont straight dump the clutch but more like a quick slip to get it off the line but still try to minimise wheel spin, my best 60ft so far is 1.8s.

- at the moment im still shifting on the audible shift points in the car (programable shift light coming this year)

- and basically hang on and enjoy the ride

- my quickest so far is a 12.605 but that was backing off and braking accross the line as it was on a 12.6 dial in.

- im hoping with a bit more practise to get into the low 12's

- A couple of Vids from last year at Compak Attak below, if any one has any advice for me feel free to throw it out as im keen to get back down there for some runs again soon and improve my times

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Drag Run with a ZF6 Auto.

Th ZF6 does over 200kmh in 3rd so you dont need to change to 4th, just keep it flat in 3rd and dont back off at all until you get the OTHER side of the finish line.

It Works for me....11.4 @ 123 Mph on street tyres. std unopened engine.

I think you got 3rd and 4th gear mixed up, 3rd is about 160k's tops for most engines and 4th will do 220 easy

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I think you got 3rd and 4th gear mixed up, 3rd is about 160k's tops for most engines and 4th will do 220 easy

Yeah I was about to say.....

At the drags I remember when I took my xr6t dead stock I was pretty much caught just before the line of pushing the car to limiter or clicking 4th every time !

13.5 outta a dead stock xr6t with 30degree track temp is good though :D did touch tyre pressures either

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Bf f6shockwave what was your mph? I thought with 500 hp and 1.8 60 you would crack into the 11s? With a bit more practice I think I could get at least a 12.6 with 300rwkw

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yeah your right mate I need a bit more practice. the mph was 112 but as I mentioned earlier I was backing off and touched the brakes as I got to the line so I wouldnt break out on my 12.6 dial in time.. I'm lookin forward to making some good improvements on my times this year,, just need more practice :3gears:

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