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4 Bar Map Sensor.... You Betcha!


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I've managed to put a 4 bar tmap(bolt in replacement) sensor on my car and tune the PCM so its all true.

English? Changing the map sensor to a 4 bar now allows the PCM to read and register all the way upto 43psi. Rather than approx 25psi it can now.

Sure.. You have always been able to peg the standard map sensor to run more boost.. But that means you have to fool the PCM and tell it you have smaller injectors than you really do so it compensates for the unmetered boost.. Its a very crude way of doing it.. and you'll notice that there's usually a big black puff of smoke as the boost is raising upto the "tuned" boost level..

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Nice, should see some really nice tuning with high boost levels now.

When are you tuning your big banger engine/turbo combo Danny? Finally said NO to tuning other peoples cars?

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The standard tmap sensor was never really a limitation... But you had to be crude to get around it.. Pegging timing is easy.. But pegging fuel is not.. I'm rather happy about it all now ;)

And just to give you a idea.. My dry cell battery registered 5 volts this morning.... that's right.. I havent driven my BA for like 2-3 months!!! my poor baby..

I am now going to retune it with the current combo, Havent really had a chance to tune it since the turbo change.

The engine swap is going to be happening pretty soon now :D

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What engine Danny??? And turbo???

I'm assuming built...?

What about auto? Gonna change to something like a c4?

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The engine swap is going to be happening pretty soon now :D

Yeah, but what are you swapping too?

And what was your turbo upgrade? :outahere:

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Can you elaborate any further on this... What is the map sensor from? I see you mentioned bolt in replacement.

Very curious on the this, as I have a couple cars this would seriously benefit on, but just havn't been able to get any solid evidence of it being done...

I can PM you if you think it is better.

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Yeah, but what are you swapping too?

And what was your turbo upgrade? :outahere:

Yeh.. a built one

Can you elaborate any further on this... What is the map sensor from? I see you mentioned bolt in replacement.

Very curious on the this, as I have a couple cars this would seriously benefit on, but just havn't been able to get any solid evidence of it being done...

I can PM you if you think it is better.

The sensors not from anything.. Its aftermarket.. Its a 100% drop in.. Looks the same.. Same plug as the Turbo (although I'm told the FG have a different plug now?)

With the datalogging, engine off.. KPA at 100 (it was actually 101), and the map voltage was 1.89 volts..

Now with the 4 bar, 100kpa the map voltage shows 1.09 volts

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Awesome... I am sure I won't be the only person eager to see results to you finalise the tune.

Would certainly make for a much better tune for the more serious players out there.

I will be one to agree that the standard msp sensor gets the jobs done,(just) but it's not pretty.

Nice work anyway Danny.

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