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Fg Door And Dash Spear Removal (How To)


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  • Member For: 18y 7m 5d

G'day all,

I've noticed a couple of queries on here before about removing the FG door and dash spears, to which I replied at the time (quite incorrectly) to not bother as its too hard a job. I always knew the door spears were easy (as we remove and refit door trims all the bloody time) but I had been told the dash spear (in particular the passenger side) was a bitch. Wrong.

All up it just took me 5 mins to get all the spears out (admittedly with a good dose of know how and the confidence that anything broken is easily replaceable) :thumbsup:

I've elected to leave my ICC shroud as satin alloy, as I have already purchased the FPV (matching) PRNDL shroud and tissue box holder, which I'm hoping is a nice contrast to my proposed carbon fibre dash and door spears.

The carbon fibrey-ness will be provided courtesy of some 3M stickers purchased off ebay by a mate of mine for my b'day - they look great and are of fantastic quality. I don't feel the need to go real carbon fibre for my spears - a little OTT for me.

Down to business.

Door spears are a piece of piss to remove with a little bit of care, know how, and the right tools.

Get yourself either a plastic moulding remover with a thin edge, or a flathead screwdriver covered in thick cloth. An old style staple remover is particularly effective and actually used at FoA.


The red arrows indicate the position of the clips that hold the spear on - you need to use your tool to slowly work your way forward to aft of the spear to disengage these clips. The green arrow represents where you should start - there is a small depression in the spear at this point to allow for this. Below is a view of the door trim, with the corresponding holes shown. The last clip (at the rear) is not actually a clip - its a tongue (for tolerances). Simply slide the spear forward to remove it completely.


Dash spears are slightly trickier, but by no means impossible.

Here is a view of their clipping strategy. On top is the passenger side spear (effectively the wrong way around - air vent on the right) and below is the drivers side spear (upside down). I've added a white circle to represent roughly where the steering column would be relative to the spear.


Once again, red arrows indicate the clips. The blue arrows indicate the first clips that should be removed. These are simple clips but you'll need to slightly pop off your dash end caps (again use your removal tool - fairly straightforward) to get at these. If you consider that they are just to the outboard side of you air vents then you have the idea.

The driver's side is simply a matter of working your way across carefully popping the clips as you go (and hopefully since you can see where they are in my pic there's no surprises!)

The passenger side is slightly more complicated. As well as clips there are two bolts (black arrows) that need to be removed. To get at these I took my glovebox out (because its rather easy). You need to get to the back of the two cutouts shown here:


Again, black shows the location of the bolts, and red shows where the clips live.

that's pretty much it! Of course, fire away with any questions (as I've left out some detail)

I'll post some pics of the finished product when we're done!

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  • Member For: 11y 2m 19d

G'day all,

I've noticed a couple of queries on here before about removing the FG door and dash spears, to which I replied at the time (quite incorrectly) to not bother as its too hard a job. I always knew the door spears were easy (as we remove and refit door trims all the bloody time) but I had been told the dash spear (in particular the passenger side) was a bitch. Wrong.

All up it just took me 5 mins to get all the spears out (admittedly with a good dose of know how and the confidence that anything broken is easily replaceable) :icon_ford:

I've elected to leave my ICC shroud as satin alloy, as I have already purchased the FPV (matching) PRNDL shroud and tissue box holder, which I'm hoping is a nice contrast to my proposed carbon fibre dash and door spears.

The carbon fibrey-ness will be provided courtesy of some 3M stickers purchased off ebay by a mate of mine for my b'day - they look great and are of fantastic quality. I don't feel the need to go real carbon fibre for my spears - a little OTT for me.

Down to business.

Door spears are a piece of piss to remove with a little bit of care, know how, and the right tools.

Get yourself either a plastic moulding remover with a thin edge, or a flathead screwdriver covered in thick cloth. An old style staple remover is particularly effective and actually used at FoA.

attachicon.gifDoor Spear.jpg

The red arrows indicate the position of the clips that hold the spear on - you need to use your tool to slowly work your way forward to aft of the spear to disengage these clips. The green arrow represents where you should start - there is a small depression in the spear at this point to allow for this. Below is a view of the door trim, with the corresponding holes shown. The last clip (at the rear) is not actually a clip - its a tongue (for tolerances). Simply slide the spear forward to remove it completely.

attachicon.gifDoor Trim LH.jpg

Dash spears are slightly trickier, but by no means impossible.

Here is a view of their clipping strategy. On top is the passenger side spear (effectively the wrong way around - air vent on the right) and below is the drivers side spear (upside down). I've added a white circle to represent roughly where the steering column would be relative to the spear.

attachicon.gifDash Spears Rear.jpeg

Once again, red arrows indicate the clips. The blue arrows indicate the first clips that should be removed. These are simple clips but you'll need to slightly pop off your dash end caps (again use your removal tool - fairly straightforward) to get at these. If you consider that they are just to the outboard side of you air vents then you have the idea.

The driver's side is simply a matter of working your way across carefully popping the clips as you go (and hopefully since you can see where they are in my pic there's no surprises!)

The passenger side is slightly more complicated. As well as clips there are two bolts (black arrows) that need to be removed. To get at these I took my glovebox out (because its rather easy). You need to get to the back of the two cutouts shown here:

attachicon.gifPassenger dash.jpg

Again, black shows the location of the bolts, and red shows where the clips live.

that's pretty much it! Of course, fire away with any questions (as I've left out some detail)

I'll post some pics of the finished product when we're done!

umm there is a connector plugged into my driver side dash spear, firstly what is this & secondly do I need to disconnect the batt before unplugging it? also what about before disconnecting the 12v socket connector?

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