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Cds Stuck In Premium Sound


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My stacker has had a jammed CD a couple of times. BA MK2. Both times involved constantly pressing the eject button, inserting cds, ejecting them again, over and over. The first time it came good after about 15-20 minutes, however the 2nd time took a couple of weeks of fully loading the stacker, ejecting the cds again over and over again at every red light I'd stop at or letting it cool down after driving. I was at the point of considering getting it repaired. My suggestion would be just keep at it for a while, if it comes good you've saved yourself a lot of hassle removing the entire unit.

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  • Cruise Whore
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With my scenario, I couldn't even eject any CDs let alone load new ones even though I had a spare slot free (only 5 loaded in a 6 stacker). So although I managed to get it to come good the first time (prolly due to driving vibrations after the VIC Christmas Cruise - vid is up by the way on the VIC cruise thread) I just got sick and tired of waiting for pot luck for the thing to become unstuck so just took matters into my own hands :roflmbo: Thank goodness it was okay at the end of the day with pulling out the ICC - talking with Adam a bit of luck I unplugged the car battery first :innocent: But you what's also really good is that I now feel more confident of doing other things with the T :thumbsup:

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Hi Gary.

I could have save you alot of stress. I would have warned you ALWAYS wear long sleeves and ALWAYS be prepared for cuts. There are some sharps in there. :turboboink:

Couple of things. I had my ICC out about 5 times now and never been a problem with what order I reconnected but to play it safe I'd follow your guide.

Second, and I havent fully read your write up, but on reconnecting you MAY get "Security Code Error" Now if you do a search on this site and others (As I did in a panic) I got results that varied from "It will be fine" to, "Better go down to your Ford Dealer and pay $60 to have it reset".

Well its all cr@p.

If you get that error, just turn your ignition on and off a couple of times and it comes good.

Yeah the 5th plug is sat nav and also used if you want to utilise the screen for an in car PC, like me.

Great write up Gary. You are da man! :buttrock:

Edited by Rudiger
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  • Cruise Whore
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Thanks mate :thumbsup: Yeah the "Security Code Error" message went away pretty much straight away after it flashed up momentarily. Bloody cut on my finger was deep though - was still bleedin 3 days afterwards cos kept liften the skin flap accidently (soz guys if that's too much information :roflmbo: )

Ahh, was wondering how to connect up a PC to the ICC screen - but not thinkin of doing a carputer project anytime soon. :beerchug:

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Beleive it or not Gary its a Toyota plug that fits it. There is also one from the rear demeister on an EL I am told but I didn't go that route. You have to have the output right so wither need a particular VGA card that will do CGA or a converter. I got the converter.

Next cruise I'll give you a look. Bloody involved. Nice to know I've done it, but honestly, you are better off getting the iPod cable and getting an iPod.

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Yeah its a Toyota plug although I am told you can use ademister plug from an EL.

You have to have the right output to it, either a special VGA card or a converter. I used the converter.

A lot of bother and effort and I'm glad I know I have done it but given the expense and effort, ya better off getting the ipod cable and and iPod.

I'll show ya next cruise.

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  • 1 year later...
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Cheers EvilDaifu for the very informative write up. It gave me the confidence to have a go myself.

When I opened up the back there were two CD's on the same tray, one was a burnt CD. I assume this was the problem.

When I got them out there were seven cd's all up in there! I hope that doesn't happen again.

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  • 8 months later...
  • Cruise Whore
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:beerchug: mate - I've had my ICC out 3 times now. 3rd time could not get the lil stuck farrrker out so it's still there. Been listening to my iPhone through a FM transmitter - not as good by a long shot but better than nothing :nono:

Anyway, dare not take it out again as much as I want to less than 2 weeks before the Snowy Cruise. Lots of smarts inside the ICC that could make your car not start if you stuff something up :omg: But after - seriously thinking I'll have something installed that does Bluetooth and sync's with my iPhone. Anybody got any CD/radio/MP/iPhone syncying players they have tried and like?

Also, another mate mentioned to me since 1 Nov 2012, can't touch your phone in the car - so going to have to set up that cradle had sitting in the back of my bookshelf to hold my iPhone now.

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