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Blocking The Fg Bov


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I have to agree with Dillz. The little I read about BOV's is exactly what he said. The charged air needs somewhere to escape, hence the BOV. I also heard that by blocking this you could potentially damage your turbo in the long run, due to pressure spikes being fed back into the turbo when you snap the throttle shut. this video should clear it up a bit for you, at least the first 5 mins of the video!

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haveing no bov all that will do is slow down comp wheel /more lag on gear change bov is to help turbo spool keeps comp wheel spining when off gas so when you get back on the gas its all go due to wheel speed it hasent lost not like that with no bov ? why becase slow down comp wheel to much and then has to try spin it up wich means lag no benifit and stess to turbo blades and berings will stuff it in end but you play you pay

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the fullstop dude...... I learnt about it in grade 1. :clap:

dude if you want to remove or block the bov, then just do it ffs. I cant remember reading a thread entitled 'my turbo blew up because I have no blow off valve'

mods could you close any threads that ask the stoopid bov/ no bov question from now on? :argue: :3gears:

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I've blocked all my pipes and removed the stock blow off valve. It only caused my cooler piping to blow off instead. Invest in a turbosmart kompact.

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FYI, I went and saw my tuner today to discuss an issue with my car, and while I was there I noticed an FG XR6T there with a stuffed turbo. The car was running no BOV. Just something to think about.

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Smeone close this thread!

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FYI, I went and saw my tuner today to discuss an issue with my car, and while I was there I noticed an FG XR6T there with a stuffed turbo. The car was running no BOV. Just something to think about.

My FG had a rooted turbo with 10,000kms on the clock. No mods, no nothing. Just stock as a rock & had just been to my efficient ford dealer for a service where they found... nothing.

XFT discovered the problem in their pre mod inspection & advised me to take it in for warranty before they touched anything but I decided to get it upgraded instead, hence quite a bit more rwkw than I would've got.

The biggest issue to worry about with the turbo IMO is the oil feed line which has a filter that blocks up with particles & can have the turbo running dry. A simple check every now & then by putting your hand on the feed line when the engine has just been started to see if it's warming up is a good precautionry measure. (totally off topic but at least it's a subject people agree on :dontknow:)

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I imported jap performance cars for 15yrs to the uk and just about every one had a blitz/r2d2/greddy etc etc bov fitted and no issues whatsoever with damage to turbo .... some ran a little differently as in rich fueling due to ecu picking up difference in inlet pressure or afr or something and when its blocked, it took much longer to spool up as the turbo stalled faster and needed more spool time so wouldnt suggest anyone do that for any reason ! vta bov's are only dumping the pressurised air out in to atmosphere instead of recirculating it back in to the plenum... my skyline didnt really like the vta bov's but the 80 odd subaru's ive had , made no difference to them at all ! in fact , I have a rather rare pressure adjustable bee-r power builder vta bov here in my garagew that I might fit to the new car if the hoses are same diameter as its a class piece if kit !


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OP's question was answered ages ago, as for BOV's watch this again then draw your own conclusion.


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