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Struggling To Start.


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  • Member For: 19y 9m 2d

I dont have the plastic cover around my battery...though the plastic should cover the battery no problem...mine is an ex Highway Patrol and came with the Optima Battery...but I replaced it a few months ago with an equivalent one...though when I did get the replacment one I did find myself having to put a 1cm rubber mat under the battery in order to secure it tightly (might be a slight height issue)...though it fits in the tray perfectly...from memory I think it also comes with a 3 year warranty.... The Highway Patrol tend to run deep cycle batteries as the equipment they use puts a massive drain on the battery...also these batteries get back to full charge much quicker than your average battery...there is a place in SA that sells them but with freight etc...it will proabaly be around $325

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  • Cruise Whore
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  • Member For: 19y 6m 15d
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I recently replaced my battery. The previous owner had put in an RACV OEM battery. I was going to replace it with an Exide one for $196 but when I put it in, car wouldn't crank over. I got a quote from Beaurepaires for the Century Ultra High Performance 67EF which comes with a 3 year warranty for $195 (includes fitting and disposal of old battery).


I ended up buying one from Pit Lane because I was there at the time. When we first put it in, it didn't crank over the engine, but Matt got out the wire brush and cleaned all the oxide crap off my terminals and then it worked fine. Yeah, don't skimp on the battery - it'll get you at the least convenient time I reckon :nono: Also, the Century 67EF fit in the plastic jacket battery holder in the BA. Here's the spec on the battery. :buttrock:

Edited by EvilDaifu
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Mine does the same thing. I replaced the battery last weekend and the cold starts are now perfect. Unfortunately a couple of days later after she was warm it did it to me again. Hope yours is fixed.

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