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Xcal 1 Going Offline Discussion


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  • Abuser of Charvels
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Yes, thanks SCT, such a perfect way to give Australia the finger again since you dumped all the old Xcal 1 boxes on us all those years ago. Every week more people are being ripped off due to your actions.

Hopefully someone in our Government will have the sense to make you right your wrongs. The truth is there, they just have to see it and act upon it.

It was amazingly easy to get all the evidence straight from the mouths of those involved and SCT even sent me emails at one point telling me how they didn't like supporting the Xcal 1 so this hastened their decision to turn it off! Like the consumer cares about the problem you made for yourself by dumping old stock in this market.

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Sent a seller on ebay a message and received a reply

Dear brendan351,

Not sure if you are aware that the flash tuner (XCAL1) you are trying to sell is nothing but a paper weight. It will not work on another car other that the car it was originally used on. SCT (parent company) no longer support these flash tuners and by selling it to some one you are leading them up the garden path.

Do the right thing and end it.

His reply

I suggest you call CAPA and talk to them. Mail order tunes can still be installed on these boxes provided you send them your vin details. In other words *beep* off. If you don't want to bid don't send me Messages.

- brendan3

Anyone wanna "assist" in sending this person a number of messages with the same info.

As far as the mail order bit is this the case?


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  • 3 months later...
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If you are looking for a custom tune then yeahhh, I'd feel really sorry for the bloke that buys one off ebay.

BUT........If you are only looking to spend a couple hundred dollars and can't afford cooler, exhaust, injectors and a custom tune blah blah blah and are NOT chasing numbers, but rather after a cheap power up to your standard vehicle, then CAPA CAN clear a locked Xcal 1 box and supply you with a generic tune for a total of $250. That's cheap if you are only chasing an extra 30kw or so to help tow your caravan or trailer lol ... But that's a fact!! And to crucify some poor bastard looking to offload a cheap box on ebay ISN'T fair.. talking about FAIR and fair trading and consumer rights. These old boxes DO serve a purpose and are NOT completely useless at all. :B):

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So spending $250 on a tune then blowing your motor with that generic which alot have is fair? should whoever loaded pay? Then that $250 tune cost $6000.

How many engines have you seen first hand "blow up" as you put it? And out of the ones you have HEARD OF, do you know the circumstances behind their failure?

All I did was state a FACT..that CAPA offer that service to to public.

So for example because Intune Motorsport sell an XCAL3 with generic tunes to the public, is that any safer then CAPA's tune?

Edited by YamahaTech
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So for example because Intune Motorsport sell an XCAL3 with generic tunes to the public, is that any safer then CAPA's tune?

Hell no.

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lol at a intune generic being remotely safe :)

at least I got a laugh out of this thread finally after 14 pages

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How many engines have you seen first hand "blow up" as you put it? And out of the ones you have HEARD OF, do you know the circumstances behind their failure?

All I did was state a FACT..that CAPA offer that service to to public.

So for example because Intune Motorsport sell an XCAL3 with generic tunes to the public, is that any safer then CAPA's tune?

lol at a intune generic being remotely safe :)

at least I got a laugh out of this thread finally after 14 pages

Generic tunes are very safe up to a certain PSI. Of course custom is better (from reputable places) and when going 10psi plus, an absolute necessity.

My car has done 180Ks on 8psi generic (been in there since I bought the car - previous owner did it). With larger intercooler, K&N and exhaust it still runs like the day I bought it - bar a massive turbo failure which was not tune fault, but oil feed line. Surely that suggests its safe.

Custom tunes are far superior, but Yamaha is right and they might serve some purpose for small $$ for extra rwkw without going too far. But for those who want to customise their car as per a XCal 3, they are being blatantly ripped off.

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