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Bf Xr6 - Car Not Starting - Burning Smell


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  • Member For: 17y 3m 11d

G'day Team XR6,

I am having problems with my BF XR6 not starting first go which has been happening for the past couple months.

Just went to the shops and come back 30 mins later and the car would not start. When I was trying to start the car a burning smell was coming from the motor.

RACQ come out and the voltage on my battery was 12.4 volts. RACQ put jumper leads on and the car still would not start, then RACQ started their car up and my car started.

My Battery is 18 months old.

This problem has occurred from time to time even during warranty period and FORD could not find a problem.

Can anyone assist in diagnosing what the problem is with my car?

Your help would be much appreciated :)


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  • Member For: 15y 9m 7d
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it is hard to diagnose a intermittant problem, meaning if it doesnt happen whilst testing the starter circuit then technically there is nothing wrong at the time, sometimes when starter motors fail they will have the habit of not turning over all of the time, how many k's on the car?

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