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Mark Skaife Calls For Speed Limit To Be Lifted To 140Km/H


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  • Member For: 14y 9m 16d

Totally agree with everyones comments, and been saying the same thing for years.

Lower speed limits alway were, and always will be, for revenue raising, nothing else.

Accidents statistic show that "Speed" is a factor in less than 10% of all accidents.

Drink/drug driving, is the top, Inattention is second, being dumb is there, and fatigue, as in falling asleep, are the main killers.

It has been proven that people actually drive BETTER, when travelling faster, the reason is simple, you are much more alert driving faster AND you get to your point quicker.

Slower limits ALWAYS increase the road toll, frustration etc. this has been proved in the NT (now that they have lowered there speed limits, the toll is increasing) and other places like Nevada etc.

The Skaifey clip on TV showed that ALL German LEARNER drivers HAVE to drive at 160kph (100 mph) to show they can handle a car at that speed, not to mention skid pads, professional tutors etc.

Crap roads kill people too. But our interstate freeways can easily handle 160 kph speed limits.

As far as right hand lane hogs go, if Police did their job properly and booked people for it, the roads would be much safer, and speed limits could be lifted with confidence...and yeah get rid of 4 wheel drive Toorak Taxis!!. ;)

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The government will never increase speed limits, when they can make billions from booking speeding drivers. They brainwash the masses by guilting us into thinking we will save lives by booking people and reducing speed limits. It is a load of BS and they know it.

There have been many well documented research programs which have sighted road condition and driver error as the major contributing factors in road fatality's. Neither of which the government can earn money from and which would cost them money.

The answer to a reduction in our road toll is driver education (correct car control fundamentals) and good road surfaces.

Unfortunately the media is in the governments pocket and no one will re-educate the masses about what is truly happening, that we are being booked for revenue raising and nothing else.

If you do a bit of research, it has been scientifically proven that increased speed limits actually reduce road tolls by cutting travel times (reducing fatigue) and increasing driver awareness.

I look forward to the day that we no longer live in nanny state and with the government no longer dictating every move or decision that we make.

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 27d
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Skaifes idea of raising the speed limit to 140kph is plain stupid and will raise the roll toll. 110kph in the dry is fine and in wet conditions should be reduced. The speed limits do not cater for weather conditions and whilst it would be hard to enforce should cater for it in one form or another.

You have so many marginal drivers driving 4cyl crap boxes that dont handle too well on 165 width tyres and Skaife wants to increase the limit to 140kph. He thinks everyone drives racing cars.

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I reckon it should be more about driver training rather than just simply jacking up the speed...what do you reckon Dags?


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