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Old Mate Sells Everything He Owns And Buys A Lambo..


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I Sold Everything To Buy A Lamborghini And Drive Across The Country

Takes a decent pair to do what this bloke did and I'm sure it's something we'd all like to do at some stages in our lives!

If I sold everything I own, I think I'd be lucky to get a datto!

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Moves in with Fiancee, she leaves...sell up and buy a supercar and put 100,000 miles on it. Fark yeah! Hahahaha... love it. I'd get maybe... a used BA typhoon with 150,000kms lol.

Driving across the country in a Lamborghini means occasionally driving above the speed limit. Richard's honest about his desire to go fast and has a drawer full of 53 tickets to prove it.
Edited by -SteveR-
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He's using his sudden lack of transportation not as the end of one journey but as the start of a new one, setting up a shop in Dallas where he plans to build custom motorcycles and superbikes.

Clever marketing...

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Apparently it's BS and he is a trust fund kid

"Some truth about this story:

Richard Jordan has taken Matt Hardigree on a ride with a ton of lies here. He never sold all of his possessions or spent his "life savings" to set out on the open road or to buy the Lamborghini (OR any of the other luxury cars and bikes he's been afforded over the years).

Where to start with this pile of madness? He sold his metal fabrication business?! WHAT business? What was the name of this alleged business and to whom did he sell it and when? For that matter, WHAT JOB? And he took to the highway, living hotel to hotel after his fiancee left him???! The timeline in this is whack. He bought her a Corvette AFTER he bought the Lamborghini (and also after he bought the Hummer H1 and the Audi A4 AND the Ford F-650 AND the Cadillac and whatever else that he purchased within that five year block), and they were together for a long while afterward. What about the time he was pulled over in Indiana? Or the embarrassing time(s) he TOLD people he was Moby? The versions portrayed above of those incidents are a convoluted headache of half-truths. Witnesses were there, remember, Richard? This article leads readers to believe Mr. Jordan is some kind of nomadic Mad-Max-meets-Two-Lane-Black-Top messiah when he's really just a delusional kid who hails from extreme privilege. I'm sure his good family is floored by this hacked up mess of words."

Hell, my elderly parents have put more out-of-state miles on their car than Richard has put on this Lambo. The most driving he's done has been at 18o mph from Starbucks to Starbucks across the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. This is SUCH an unbelievable crock. People can't possibly be reading this story, looking at the handful of pictures Richard took while on a few road trips along with the images of his new warehouse, and thinking all of this has no holes in it! Come on.

Richard, you owe Matt Hardigree a huge apology for wasting his time and for leading readers to believe you're some kind of reformed victim of love who left everything behind for some romantic, American dream. Did you think an article of this popular magnitude wouldn't be read by people who know you in real life? Reply

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