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Combined States Snowy Cruise 2010


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tab I think has a plan how some of the QLDers are going to make it to Tumut. That's okay - you might end up near the back of the pack in your 4WD or meet up with us at various points of interest. This cruise isn't suitable for an L Plater or someone who has just got their P Plates (generally speaking) - I'd advise against them joining us if that is the case. But it's up to you as we are on public roads. He might end up towards the back of the pack or just meet up with us at various points of interest along the way.

Edited by EvilDaifu
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Yes very wise words Gary. Although these are all public roads some sections are not very well signed (I.e. don't have advisory corner speeds etc.). I certainly don't consider myself a world-class driver but can say you definitely wouldn't want to be doing this with minimal experience or a bit of an ego pushing you along.

At the end of the day we are there to have fun, but we also want everyone and the cars to get home in the same state they arrived in (livers excluded).

As far as getting down there nothing is concrete, probably start heading down on the Thursday and stay at Bathurst Thursday night or something and similar on the way back. But usually people want to catch-up with family or friends somewhere along the way so it's entirely up to you.

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OK thanks tab would that mean going down the new england or what plus the 4wd aint coming im gonna rent a ford not sure if it'll be sedan or ute yet and the l plater aint coming anymore I showed him pics of what happened last year. although I'll probs bring him along since he has an au ute :blink: all of us could do with a road trip whether we sit in someones car or bring our own along. l just booked my accomaddation at the pre-selected sites can't wait lol.

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I photoshopped Buff's to remove some panel damage. Not that you can see at that size. :dontknow:

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*wibble* :hrmm:

Put me down as a maybe atm. I should have recovered from the Metallica concerts by then, but need to see how things line up as far as potential work goes first.

It's been a long while since I poked my head up... Got made redundant recently from HP after nine years of living out of a suitcase. Spent the last few months taking a long overdue rest from the rat-race, visiting my grandparents who are both nearing the end of a long innings and getting things organised for my sister's wedding next month. Most important, I'm rested & recharged... and spent too much time lately playing WoW! :nerd8:

Starting to look for a new job now. Should be back earning a steady paycheck again soon and hopefully with a lot less travelling required to boot. If all goes well, the "Black Beast" will be joining the fun come November.


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