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Combined States Snowy Cruise 2010


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  • Sucker
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Don't think there is any at all Rusty, but to be honest you'd need balls of steel to do more than the posted 60km/h on any section but the straights. Coming down the dipper to find nanna in her corolla doing 10km/h checking out the scenery, passing-by farmer Joe in his old landrover travelling in the opposite direction would not be fun at all.

They do have a sign out the front with 'cameras used in NSW' but not specifying that there's actually any on the mountain.

Guess time will tell :roflmbo:

...oh and future reference for any of you Sydneyites heading out that way from Lithgow, there's an average speed camera on the way (looks relatively new). But if you plan you journey to coincide with a stop at the servo about 15km east of Bathurst you'd fool the fcker!

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wow average speed cameras, I didn't know they were in use.

I remember they were going to use them in the Burnley tunnel, but considering the tunnel has 2 speeds (super idiot Camry in front slow and roadworks slow) I dont think they ever bothered.

its funny talking to my business counterparts in Sydney, they whinge like "oh we have these mobile speed cameras now and traffic light speed cameras what a pain" us poor vics have had the mobile cameras for ages, so long that you can spot them a mile off! plus I dont think all of the NSW peeps have gotten used to flashing the headlights when near a speed camera.

so no cameras on Bathurst, I find that really interesting, I thought the place would've been littered with them, im sure there are plenty of Expensive Daewoo fanboys who would want to take their vn 6 cylinder down conrod cause their mate reckons that with a mild cam it will keep up with the supercars :shocked:

crap... sorry again another thread I seem to be hijacking :roflmbo:

sorry stuck in the office today and looking for as many distractions as I can

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Tabby, I heard a vicious rumour that the average speed camera's near Lithgow are used for heavy vehicles only, but the source was as dodgy as a indian vindaloo.

Happy to be proven wrong.

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  • Cruise Whore
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Well hands up those who feel they know their car alot better now :innocent:

I for one feel I know my car's handling a lot better than 5 days ago :buttrock: I guess it can get like that when you are in the saddle for several days on end :icon_ford:

Also gonna try an bribe one of the tuners to come along to the next extended cruise for emergency help - can't always rely on senna_T being with us :surrenderwave:

Any other suggestions guys?

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Well for one, make sure your air filter is on properly before you leave Melb. :surrenderwave:

I think theres always gunna be someone with a bit of mech knowledge so you should be right. I'd be making sure every telco was covered so SOMONE had mobile phone coverage to call a tow. lol

I was worried you may have another "moment" on the way to Wodonga and was hopin you werent gunna rely on what I knew.....cause if ya did we would STILL be up there lol.

Wish I had taken the Monday off and gone on that run with ya mate. But the loose bolt in the front got bad by the time I got home.

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  • Jamie
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Wish we went this weekend, I had the car fully tuned yesterday at Tunehouse. It made 435rwkw. It was only on a run in tune of 328rwkw during the cruise.

I just want to thank Gary again. I can't stop going on about this cruise when im with all my mates and at work. It was just totally awesome !!!

Oh and we found the problem of why my ECU sh*t itself during the cruise. The vacuum going to the intake manifold had split and was mixing up the fuel ratios, so the computer had no idea WTF it was doing :)

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