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Combined States Snowy Cruise 2010


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  • Cruise Whore
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Hey Adam, guess who broke down again on the Snowy Cruse :blush: It's like I can't go on one without that happening :roflmbo: Remember last time on the way up past Thredbo all we did was remove the negative from the battery? This time had to do that and return the car back to stock :shocked:

But thanks to the collective brains trust on the cruise - senna_T, BionicXR6T, g6et06 and others we got her goin again :spoton: We think it was water in the fuel possibly at the last fuel stop (but nobody else had the same issue or maybe not enough air getting through as my K&N filter was clagged up with dust :buttrock: Need to change the fuel filter as a precaution though I reckon.

Cruise Note: Do not buy fuel at servos that prolly don't have a high turnover in fillups. We suspect because of recent rains - some of it might have got into the servo's tanks.

Edited by EvilDaifu
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  • Cruise Whore
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Started with me being on full throttle, wouldn't go past 4000rpm then suddenly and almighty clunk clunk like some pistons have shat themselves, no battery, no brake power assist and then after stopping car, it would idle when I restarted but as soon as I went to move off - it would stop.

It's all good now though - will flash back in the custom tune tomorrow morning to see if it can handle it. When I get home, shall wash the K&N filter, change the fuel filter and Rudiger suggested to spray some WD-40 into the solenoid. I've also put some metho in the fuel tank incase it really was water in the fuel from the last fuel stop.

Edited by EvilDaifu
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The BEST cruise I have ever been privileged to go on. Breathtaking scenery and roads. :buttrock::3gears:

Awesome job Gary for planning this one.

Hope the rest of you lot have a safe trip back :3gears:

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Awesome work Gary :3gears:

Plenty of amazing roads that had it all, great company, good food (and drinks!) and no major problems - can't ask for more than that

Anyone thinking of going on a cruise like this, you should just stop thinking about it and put your name down - especially if Gary has been involved with the planning, the man is an organisational machine!



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  • Cruise Control
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I feel sorry....I really do.... :blush:


What a terrific weekend....great bunch of people....great roads....good times...what more can you say :spoton:

I thought I did OK as a cruise controller....until I met Gary...the guy thinks of everything!

The amount of work he did to make this deal a success was first class....thank you mate! :bowdown:

To Craig and Bethany, Jaime and Dora, Pat, Gary and Damien, Trent and Jaime, Tony and Dylan and Robbo and Mick,...thanks for a memorable weekend guys.... :nyaah:

Even though I got done on the way home....I don't really care :buttrock:

The weekend was well worth it..... :3gears:

Will definately be putting my name down for the next one..... :w00t2:

Edited by BionicXR6T
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Just rocked up home after leaving Gary in Wondonga to head off for more of his organising.

Was a "spirited" run back to Khancoban and Gary learnt first hand I think why my brakes are so big.

Excellent cruise and the people just awesome. What a top bunch of people, and the "venues"? Standing outside the bistro last night was just awesome.

Guys you did miss out on that lookout we bypassed on Saturday. Absolutely breath taking.

I have had the priveledge on being on 4 cruises now that Gary has organised and I must say guys, he is the same every cruise and we are spoilt I think. An asewsome organiser.

Those who missed it, you really need to kick yourselves for doing so. A top 3 days over just so quick, it is unreal.

Thanks to Reg for leading so long and Pat for having a quick look this morning. The clunk has got progressivly worse and is now on both sides, so back to Pedders tomorrow.

Cruise isnt withouts its casualties though. Giving is a boot out of Wodonga onto the freeway and the ZF started to slip. It's starting to go me thinks :buttrock: Not happy JAN. But that happens when you put 800nm through it I guess.

Thank you all for your comapny. Great to put faces to names. AND to cars as well.

Hope you all made it home safe.


Edited by Rudiger
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  • Blown Happiness
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Only joking.. it was the best cruise I have ever been on.. I take my hat off to Gary, mate you did an awesome job. And to all the other blokes (and ladies), thanks for a great weekend.

See you all next cruise...


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