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Warranty Upgrades


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Nope... If you want to keep warranty valid it has to stay stock for that component...

You play, you pay!!! ;-)

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Worm do you mean if you replace a certain part it voids the warranty for that part only or anything that happens to the car?

There are so many views on what will void warranty, some say the (insurer/ford) will have to prove your modification caused the failure thus voiding the warranty since it wasn't factory approved, (hence why a cat back is fine, doesn't really affect anything, but new catalyctic converters will void it, due to greater flow and need for a tune). Then some say altering anything will void warranty as it is no longer stock.

Anyone who can clear this up or has any knowledge on it would be appreciated :)

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It really depends ont he dealer. Some are quite lenient, some are not.

Remember, for warranty work, the dealer does not get as much $$ for labour so some arent keen to cover items if they can give it a miss.

I personally can't see how changing an intake can affect warranty on an electric window but others disagree.

You can always whinge to Ford but if they decide to fullyinspect your car and they find a bucket of mods they may wipe you altogether, or they may list you mods and say that anything else is ok.

I guess it comes down to how well you get on with your service manager bwitty. But others may have a different view. Mine is modded to the sh*te, so I'm pretty well screwed.

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hi ben, I worked in a Expensive Daewoo dealership for 9 yrs, engine mods that included changing cams, superchargers, turbo's, inlet manifold swap's, t/body swaps, etc would void your powertrain warranty. ie. engine, trans, tailshaft, diff. This was logged on an internal Expensive Daewoo website for the life of that VIN number. A turbo fitted to your car did not void an elec window problem for example, only power train. Lowering your car voided suspension, bushes and steering warranties.

Changing an entire exhaust didn't void warranties as it was deemed a replacement. - worn out

Edited by fatnsticky
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ford are the same engine type mods do not effect things like windows.


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